회원작품 | Projects/Public

선감역사박물관 2021.3

BillKim 2023. 2. 1. 09:14
Sungam History Museum


사진작가 김용순

에코뮤지엄 기억의 터 선감역사박물관

경기문화재단 사업의 일환으로, 안산시 대부도 선감동에 위치한 선감역사박물관은 과거 선감학원이라 불리는 부랑아들의 참담한 역사를 기록하고 참회하는 전시공간이다. 선감학원은 1942~1982년 운영되었던 시설로 조선총독부에 의해 감사 시설로 설립, 부랑아들을 사회에 복귀시키려는 목적으로 설립되었다. 언론에도 여러 번 소개되었듯이 가족이 있는 어린아이들(7~14세)을 반 강제적으로 수용하는 등 설립목적과 상반되는 운영목적을 띄고 있었으며, 태평양 전쟁의 인적자원을 충원하기 위한 훈육기관으로 운영되었다. 현재 경기창작센터가 있는 자리는 옛 훈육교육이 이루어졌던 곳이다. 해방 후에도 이 시설은 존치되었으며, 한국전쟁 발발 후 미군 주둔지로 41개 동의 건물이 신축되어 사용되었다. 미군 철수 후에도 수많은 아이들을 이곳에 감금하며 염전, 농사일 등 다양한 노동력을 착취하였다. 현재까지 알려진 바로는 약 1천여 명 이상 사망에 이른 것으로 추정되고 있다.

길을 따라가다 보면 건물대지와 주변과의 경계가 없는 쇄석 바닥 포장마감 위에 놓여진 선감역사박물관, 과거 치욕적인 역사의 한 부유물로서 그 모습을 드러낸다. 
건물의 구축적 사고는 과거의 흔적을 다시 재생하고 기억하려는 취지와 부합된 구축방법을 모색한다. 획일화된 삶과 처절한 억압의 틀을 잘 드러내 줄, 정형화되어 양산된 물성으로서 컨테이너박스를 축조하였으며, 생명의 근원인 나무소재를 택하였다.  
건물의 배치는 당시 소년들이 갇혀 생활한 직사각형의 강제수용소 건물들과는 반항된 배치를 띄고자 하였다. 항의로서 넓은 각도를 갖도록 설계하였으며, 그것은 당시 이곳에 존재했을 비도덕적 규범과 질서에 대한 강한 반항이었다. 
섬에 갇혀 자아를 박탈당하고 하루에도 수십 번씩 바다를 보며 자유를 소리쳤을 이 땅의 어린 영혼의 소리 없는 아우성의 발산, 그것을 매스로 발현시키고자 하였던 것이다.    
전면의 중심을 가로지르는 보이드 공간은 비인간적인 냉혹한 강압에 저항하고자 한 맑은 영혼의 공간이며, 그곳을 통해 보이는 자연의 녹음과 미송목재 마감의 매스는 생명의 고귀함을 깨우쳐준다. 
1층 출입구로 가는 여정의 상부매스와 외부벽, 수직루버의 건축적 장치는 소년들의 고뇌를 상징적으로 표현하고 있다. 1층 영상전시관을 통해 2층 전시관으로 오르면, 투영된 전면 기억의 창을 통해 자유와 인간으로서의 삶을 갈망한 소년들의 고통적 삶의 여정을 더욱 강하게 기억하게 된다.  
2층의 긴 컨테이너(3×9m)의 매스는 역사적 만행을 표적한다. 
바다는 섬을, 섬은 바다를 갈망하고 소년은 평범한 삶을 갈구했을 이곳에, 수많은 영혼이 아직도 땅속에 갇혀 언제가 될지 모를 자유를 갈망하고 있다. 
이는 자유를 위해 탈출하다 죽음을 맞이한 어린 영혼을 달래주고 기억하려는 장치이다. 2층 전시관의 커다란 기억의 창을 통해 우리는 희생된 소년의 영혼을 되새기며 더욱 추모하게 될 것이다. 


사진작가 김용순

Eco-Museum Memories Site Seongam History Museum

As part of the Gyeonggi Cultural Foundation project, the Seongam History Museum located in Seongam-dong, Daebudo, Ansan. It is an exhibition space that records and repents of the tragic history of bum sons called Seongam Academy. Seongam Academy was a facility that was operated from 1942 to 1982, and was established as an audit facility by the Government-General of the Joseon Dynasty, with the aim of returning bum sons to society. As has been introduced in the media many times, it had a purpose contrary to the purpose of establishment by semi-forcing children with families (7-14 years old), and it was operated as a disciplinary institution to recruit human resources for the Pacific War. The location where the Gyeonggi Creation Center is now was where the old discipline education was held. After liberation, this facility remained, and after the outbreak of the Korean War, 41 buildings were constructed and used as US military garrisons, and after the withdrawal of the U.S. forces, numerous larger children were confined there, exploiting various labor forces such as salt farms and farming. As far as it is known, it is estimated that more than 1,000 people died.

Along the way, the Seongam History Museum, which is placed on the pavement finish on the crushed stone floor without boundaries between the building site and the surroundings, reveals its appearance as a floating object of the past filthy history.
The constructive thinking of a building seeks a construction method that is consistent with the purpose of replaying and remembering the traces of the past. A container box was built as a standardized and mass-produced material property that would well reveal a uniform life and the frame of desperate oppression, and wood material, the source of life, was chosen.
The layout of the building was intended to be contradictory to the buildings in the rectangular concentration camps where boys were confined at the time. It was designed to have a wide angle as a protest, and it was a strong rebellion against the immoral norms and order that would have existed here at the time.
It was intended to manifest itself as a mass, the silent clamor of a young soul on this earth who would have been trapped in an island and deprived of ego and shouted for freedom dozens of times a day.
The void space that crosses the center of the front is a space of clear souls to resist the brutal inhumane coercion, and the masses finished in fine pine wood awaken the nobility of life along with the greenery of nature seen through it.
On the journey to the first floor entrance, the upper mass, the exterior wall, and the architectural device of the vertical louver symbolically express the agony of the boys, and freedom through the window of the front memory projected by going up to the second floor exhibition hall through the first floor video exhibition hall. And the boys who yearned for life as human beings more strongly in the journey of painful life.
The mass of the long container (3x9m) on the second floor targets historical brutality.
In this place where the sea longed for the island, the island for the sea, and the boy longed for a normal life, countless souls are still trapped in the ground, longing for freedom to know when it will be.
It is a device that soothes and remembers young souls who died while escaping for freedom. Through the large window of memory in the second floor exhibition hall, we will remember and remember the soul of the boy who was more sacrificed. 


사진작가 김용순
사진작가 김용순
사진작가 김용순
사진작가 김용순
사진작가 김용순
사진작가 김용순


1층 평면도


2층 평면도




설계자 | 박현우
_비움디자인빌드건축사사무소 + 건축사사무소 다인  
건축주 | 경기문화재단
감리자 | 경기문화재단
시공사 | 현송건설
대지위치 | 경기도 안산시 단원구 선감로 77-9
주요용도 | 박물관
대지면적 | 10,840㎡
건축면적 | 61.65㎡
연면적 | 67.54㎡
건폐율 | 0.62%
용적률 | 0.62%
규모 | 지상 2층
구조 | 경량철골구조
외부마감재 | 컨테이너강판마감, 미송나무루버 
내부마감재 | 압출법보온판, THK9.5mm석고보드 위 친환경 수성페인트
설계기간 | 2016. 08 - 2016. 10
공사기간 | 2016. 11 - 2017. 02
사진 | 김용순
Sungam History Museum
Architect | Park, Hyunwoo
_Biuum designbuild + Dain Architects Group
Construction | Hyunsong Co. Ltd
Location | 77-9, Seongam-ro, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si,  Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Program | Museum
Site area | 10,840㎡
Building area | 61.65㎡
Gross floor area | 67.54㎡
Building to land ratio | 0.62%
Floor area ratio | 0.62%
Building scope | 2F
Structure | LGS(Light wight steel construction)
Exterior finishing | Wood louver, Steel plate coating
Interior finishing | Eco-friendly paint on gypsum board
Design period | Aug. 2016 - Oct. 2016
Construction period | Nov. 2016 - Feb. 2017
Photograph | Kim, yongsoon