회원작품 | Projects/Culture

성동아이사랑복합문화센터 2022.1

BillKim 2023. 2. 15. 09:15
Lovely Children Cultural Complex


사진작가 백상훈


성동아이사랑복합문화센터는 주변 지역의 오브제로서의 역할을 수행함과 동시에, 어린이의 꿈과 창의력을 키우는 ‘어린이 복합 문화 센터’로서의 기능을 담당하게 된다. 가파르고 좁은 경사지에 세워지는 성동아이사랑복합문화센터는 ‘MOM 존’과 ‘KIDS 존’으로 조닝이 나누어지고 낮은 레벨에서부터 높은 레벨까지 앞마당, 안마당, 뒷마당이 건축물과 교대로 반복되는 형식을 갖춤으로써, 내·외부공간의 조화를 이루고 있다. 
한편 이 프로젝트를 수행하는 데 있어 세 가지의 중대한 문제가 있었는데, 첫째는 기존 후면의 도로였던 곳이 대지로 변경되고 대지의 일부는 다시 도로로 전환되는 과정에서, 도로의 경사도를 17퍼센트 이하로 조정하는 것이었다. 
둘째는 굴토 작업 시 안정성을 위하여, 대지 동측에 위치한 보강토 옹벽으로부터 최소 1.5미터 이격함으로써 더군다나 좁은 대지의 토지 이용성이 떨어질 수밖에 없었다는 점이었다.
셋째는 이 프로젝트의 최대 난관이었던 사항으로, 지질이 암반으로 구성되어 있는 점을 고려하여 굴토 깊이를 최소화하고, 보강토 옹벽 상부에 위치한 아파트의 1층 주민까지도 조망권이 확보되도록 건축물의 높이를 낮춰야 한다는 것이었다. 특히 마지막 이슈는 단면계획 및 층수, 층고 계획에 영향을 미치는 상황으로, 건축사로서 풀어내야 할 커다란 과제였다. 결과적으로 이러한 어려운 상황 속에서도 대부분의 계획 목표가 완수됨으로써, 성동아이사랑복합문화센터는 주변 환경과 주민들의 의견을 반영하는 최적의 건축물로 탄생되었다.


사진작가 백상훈


The Lovely Children Cultural Complex will serve the role as an object of surrounding areas and at the same time, the function as a "Children's Complex Culture Center" that fosters children's dreams and creativity. The Lovely Children Cultural Complex, which is built on a steep and narrow slope, is divided into MOM Zone and KIDS Zone, and the front yard, courtyard, and backyard are repeated alternately with the building mass from low to high level, in harmony with internal and external spaces.
Meanwhile, there were three critical problems in carrying out this project, the first being to adjust the slope of the road to less than 17 percent in the process of changing the existing road to the building site and converting it back to the road.
The second was that for stability during the excavation work, at least 1.5m apart from the reinforced soil retaining wall located on the east side of the site inevitably reduced the land usability of the narrow land.
Third, it was the biggest challenge of this project. Considering that the geology is composed of rock, it was necessary to minimize the depth of excavation and to lower the height of the building so that even the residents on the first floor of the apartment located above the reinforced soil retaining wall can have a ‘view’. In particular, the third issue was a situation that influenced the cross-sectional plan, the number of floors, and the plan of story height, and was a challenge to be solved as an architect. As a result, most of the planned goals were completed despite these difficult situations, and the Lovely Children Cultural Complex was created as the best building to reflect the surrounding environment and residents' opinions.


사진작가 백상훈
사진작가 백상훈
사진작가 백상훈
사진작가 백상훈
사진작가 백상훈
사진작가 백상훈
사진작가 백상훈
사진작가 백상훈
1층 평면도


2층 평면도


3층 평면도


4층 평면도


설계자 | 차성민 · 정창호 _ (주)씨오에스 파트너스 건축사사무소 · (주)에코 건축사사무소
건축주 | 성동구청
감리자 | MDS 건축사사무소
시공사 | (주)호곡종합건설
설계의도 구현 | 김장용
인테리어 설계 | 윤선영
설계팀 | (주)씨오에스파트너스 건축사사무소 _ 음승진, 김동희, 윤영빈, 원영조 / (주)에코 건축사사무소 _ 이정희, 도영훈, 임준혁, 이지혜, 정혜원
대지위치 | 서울특별시 성동구 난계로 6
주요용도 | 노유자 시설
대지면적 | 1,065.00㎡
건축면적 | 458.09㎡
연면적 | 1,287.88㎡
건폐율 | 43.01%
용적률 | 120.92%
규모 | 지상 4층
구조 | 철근콘크리트구조
외부마감재 | 점토벽돌, 점토중공블록
내부마감재 | 점토벽돌, 노출콘크리트
사진 | 백상훈
설계기간 | 2019. 12 – 2020. 05
공사기간 | 2020. 10 – 2021. 06
구조분야 : 빛과울구조컨설팅
기계설비분야 : (주)현우엠이씨
전기분야 : (주)무림설계기술단
Lovely Children Cultural Complex
Architect | Cha, Seongmin · Chung, Changho _ Cos Partners Architects · Eco Architects
Client | Seongdong-gu office
Supervisor | MDS Architects
Construction | Hogok Construction
Project team | Cos Partners Architects _ Eum, Seungjin / Kim, Donghee /  Yun, Yeongbin / Won, Youngjo
Eco Architects _ Lee, Junghee / Do, Young hun / Lim, Junhyuk / Kim, Ji hye
Location | 6, Nangye-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Korea
Program | Youth and Silver facility
Site area | 1,065.00㎡
Building area | 458.09㎡
Gross floor area | 1,287.88㎡
Building to land ratio | 43.01%
Floor area ratio | 120.92%
Building scope | 4F
Structure | RC
Exterior finishing | Clay brick, Clay hollow block
Interior finishing | Clay brick, Exposed concrete
Design period | Dec. 2019 – May 2020
Construction period | Oct. 2020 – Jun. 2021
Photograph | Baek, Sanghun
Structural engineer | Vit & Wul Structural Engineer
Mechanical engineer | HyunWoo Engineer
Electrical engineer | MooRim Engineering