월간 건축사지 2022. 11. 2. 13:34

사진작가 원유민


사무소를 시작하면서 처음 자리 잡은 곳이 동대문구 숭인동이었고, 이후 합정을 거쳐 마포구 하중동까지 짧게는 1년, 길게는 4년 정도를 주기로 옮겨 다녀야 했다. 처음에는 임대료가 저렴한 곳을 찾아, 다음은 다른 사무소와 공간을 함께 사용하기 위해, 이후에는 사람이 늘어나면서 공간이 더 필요해져서 등 이유는 다양했다. 대부분의 사무소가 겪는 일이었다. 그러던 중 우리가 내던 임대료가 낮아진 금리로 인해 은행에 내야 하는 이자보다 더 비싸졌다는, 지극히 현실적인 사실을 알게 되면서, 이 기회에 안정적으로 지낼 수 있는 공간을 마련해야겠다는 생각을 하게 되었다. 

예전 암스테르담에서 일을 할 때부터 봐오며 늘 꿈꿔오던 사무실의 모습이 있었다. 운하가 도로만큼이나 많은 그곳에서 운하를 접하고 자리한 사무소는 그 자체로도 운치가 있었고, 날씨가 따뜻할 때면 운하를 바라보며 즐기는 점심시간의 여유가 매우 좋았다. 따라서 이곳에서도 사무실을 만든다면 궁극적으로 그러한 분위기의 공간을 만들고 싶었다. 서울의 서쪽에서 강은 한강과 불광천, 그리고 홍제천이 있다. 그중에서 한강변은 불가능하니 제외하고, 나머지 불광천과 홍제천을 따라 올라가며 근처 부동산을 찾아 땅을 알아보았다. 하지만 아쉽게도 천변이 좋다는 것은 이미 다른 사람들도 다 아는 사실이고, 따라서 매물도 많지 않거니와 가격도 매우 비쌌다. 우리는 그래도 다행히 홍제천이 보이진 않지만, 걸어서 2~3분이면 닿을 수 있는 위치의 건물을 구할 수 있었다. 

기존의 건물은 지하 1층에 지상 2층이었는데, 활용하기 어려운 지하를 메우고 대신 3층을 일부 증축하면서 옥상테라스를 만들었다. 건물의 1층에는 두 명의 대표가 쓰는 공간이 있고, 기타 탕비실과 화장실, 창고 등이 있다. 2층에는 약 14명의 직원들이 사용하는 주 사무공간이 있다. 마지막으로 증축한 3층 공간은 미팅 공간 겸 구성원들의 휴식을 위한 공간이며 테라스가 이어져 있다. 
1층의 공간은 도로에서 최대한 투명하게 보이기 위해 전체 유리를 사용하였다. 2층은 기본적으로 직원들이 가장 쾌적하게 사용할 수 있도록 책상의 폭과 간격을 정하였고, 북쪽에 긴 천창을 만들어 자연광을 들였다. 추가로 비나 눈, 낙엽이 천창에 떨어질 때 느껴지는 감각은 업무공간에 차별화된 환경을 만들어 준다. 3층은 커튼월로 된 유리박스 형태로, 눈높이가 플라타너스 가로수와 동일해 봄·여름·가을에 풍성한 녹색의 전망을 갖는다. 

마을은 서울에서 상대적으로 개발이 덜 된 지역이다. 하지만 덕분에 오래 사신 분들도 많고, 크고 작은 빌라와 주택들이 옹기종기 모여 편안한 스케일의 동네를 이루고 있다. 
이 안에 자리 잡은 사옥은 회사의 집이고, 곧 우리의 집이다. 
사무실의 구성원들 모두가 건축을 하면서 만나게 되는 다양한 고됨으로부터 쉴 수 있는 공간이 되기를 바라는 의미이다. 

글. 원유민 네덜란드 건축사


사진작가 원유민


When I started running my office, the first place I settled was Sungin-dong, Dongdaemun-gu, and then I had to move to Hakka-dong, Mapo-gu from Hapjeong at least every year for up to 4 years. There were a variety of reasons; at first, looking for cheap rent, then for sharing space with other offices, and then looking for more expansive space with more people at work. That's what most offices experience. Meanwhile, when we learned that the rent we were paying became more expensive than the bank interest due to the lower interest rate, we thought of having space where we could stay in a stable way.

There is an office which I’ve always dreamed of since I worked in Amsterdam. Located in a place with as many canals as roads, the office facing a canal was elegant in itself, and it was excellent to enjoy leisurely lunch while looking at the channel when the weather was warm. So if I have a chance to build an office here, I hope to create space with such an atmosphere. In the west of Seoul are rivers, including the Han River, Bulgwangcheon, and Hongjecheon. But excluding the Han River was unavailable, so I went up the Bulgwang and Hongje streams to search for land through nearby real estate agencies. However, as everyone already knows that the ground next to a river is good, there are few such lands for sale, and the price is also very high. Fortunately, we could find a building that could be reached in 2-3 minutes on foot, although it doesn’t overlook Hongjecheon.

The existing building had a basement and two floors above the ground, but we filled the cellar, which was challenging to use, and instead extended the third floor to have a roof terrace. On the first floor of the building, there is a space for two CEOs, a pantry, a toilet, and a warehouse. The second floor consists of the main office for about 14 employees. Lastly, the vast space on the 3rd floor is a place for meeting and relaxing, with a terrace that leads outside.
The glass was used for the entire space on the first floor to make it look as transparent as possible from the road. On the second floor, we selected the optimal width and length of desks so that the employees could feel most comfortable, and a long skylight was made on the north side to let in natural light. In addition, rain, snow, and fallen leaves falling on the skylight create a unique environment even in the workplace. Finally, the third floor is in the form of a glass box curtain wall, and the eye level is at the sycamore trees, so it has fantastic green views in spring, summer, and autumn.

The village is a relatively underdeveloped area in Seoul. However, thanks to this, many people have lived there for a long time, and large and small townhouses and houses are clustered together to form a peaceful neighborhood.
The office building located in this town is home to the company, that is our home.
We hope that it will be a space where all the team members can take a break from the various difficulties they face while dealing with construction.


사진작가 원유민
사진작가 원유민
사진작가 원유민
사진작가 원유민
사진작가 원유민
사진작가 원유민
1층 평면도
2층 평면도
3층 평면도

설계자 | 조장희 _ 주.제이와이아키텍츠 건축사사무소
공동설계 | 원유민[네덜란드 건축사] _ 주.제이와이아키텍츠 건축사사무소
건축주 | 조장희, 원유민
감리자 | 박성일
시공사 | JYA-RCHITECTS 건축사사무소
설계팀 | 박지연, 김수연
설계의도 구현 | JYA-RCHITECTS 건축사사무소
대지위치 | 서울특별시 서대문구 모래내로 383-2
주요용도 | 업무시설
대지면적 | 140.00㎡
건축면적 | 80.67㎡
연면적 | 177.42㎡
건폐율 | 57.62%
용적률 | 126.7%
규모 | 3F
구조 | 철골구조
외부마감재 | 기존치장벽돌, 칼라강판[골형], AL 커튼월
내부마감재 | 포세린타일, 수성페인트 도장, 합판 위 바니쉬
설계기간 | 2019. 12 – 2020. 02
공사기간 | 2020. 03 – 2020. 09
사진 | 원유민
구조분야 : 한길
기계설비분야 : 정연엔지니어링
전기분야 : 정연엔지니어링
Architect | Jo, Janghee _ JYA-RCHITECTS
Collaborative design | Won, Youmin(NAI) _ JYA-RCHITECTS
Client | Jo, Janghee / Won, Youmin
Supervisor | Park, Seongil
Construction | JYA-RCHITECTS 
Project team | Park, Jiyoun / Kim, Sooyeon
Design intention realization | JYA-RCHITECTS 
Location | 383-2, Moraenae-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea
Program | Office
Site area | 140.00㎡
Building area | 80.67㎡
Gross floor area | 177.42㎡
Building to land ratio | 57.62%
Floor area ratio | 126.7%
Building scope | 3F
Structure | Steel frame structure
Exterior finishing | Existing Decorative Brick, Color Steel Plate, AL Curtain wall 
Interior finishing | Pocerin tiles, water-based paint, varnish on plywood
Design period | Dec. 2019 – Feb. 2020
Construction period | Mar. 2020 – Sep. 2020
Photograph | Won, Youmin
Structural engineer | Hangil
Mechanical engineer | Jungyeon
Electrical engineer | Jungyeon