월간 건축사지 2023. 10. 31. 10:05





대지 여건
지인이 담양군소재지 근거리에 위치한 택지개발지구 내 단독필지를 구입했다. 6미터 전면도로에 접한 부지는 직사각형 형태로 애매한 경계선을 갖는다. 내심 주변 경관, 자연조건을 이용해 콘셉트를 만들어 내리라 생각했던 기대는 차분히 내려앉았다. 어떤 이야기들을 만들어 내지?

건축주 이야기
건축주는 친한 대학 동기로, 나름 열심히 살았던 흔적들을 정리하고 이곳에 터를 잡아 2막을 시작하려 했다. 부부와 딸, 타지에서 지내며 주말에 오는 아들 2명이 거주하며, 이중 대장은 딸이다. 각자의 취미가 있어 이에 필요한 영역과 공동의 생활공간, 마당, 텃밭 등이 필요했다.

디자인 프로세스
장방형의 대지는 여러 대안을 모색하게 했다. 결과적으로 북서측에 매스, 남측에 마당이 있는 안으로 결정했다. 부부영역은 조망과 프라이버시를 고려해 북측에, 서측 전면도로 측에는 아들방과 주차장, 텃밭이 위치하며 중앙에는 공적공간인 거실과 주방이 있다. 

전면 도로에서 부지를 지나가면서 바라보는 주변 건물들의 얼굴은 의도된 계획 속에 만들어진 파사드가 아니다. 나는 건물을 기억하게 하고 싶었다. 다른 좌·우, 배면의 뷰는 도로에서 보이지 않으니, 전면을 지나가는 보행자도 건축물을 바라보며 담긴 이야기를 상상하고, 가족들도 사람들과 경관을 보며 새로운 기억들을 생성해 가는 공간을 만들어 보고자 했다. 이렇게 만들어진 영역이 브릿지다. 브릿지는 주택 매스와 아내의 취미 공간, 손님맞이 공간과 온실영역을 연결하는 매개체로서, 내려다보는 영역 확보와 더불어 도로의 보행자 시선이 보이드(void)를 통해 야산을 조망하도록 하는 동시에 현관 캐노피 역할을 한다.

현관으로 진입하면 긴 의자가 현관의 한 면을 차지한다. 신발을 신을 때 가방이나 우산을 들고 있어 손이 모자란 상황을 쉽게 해결한다. 의자 뒤쪽의 긴 수직창은 꽃과 나무를 담은 액자가 된다. 복도를 따라 걷다보면 맞이하는 새로운 영역의 분절점인 디귿(ㄷ)자 영역이 만들어지며, 꽃과 햇볕이 길게 접근한다. 자녀들의 방 한 영역은 취미공간으로 구성되며, 딸 방 앞 테라스와 경관은 선물이다. 

온실을 2개 층으로 구성해 매스의 조화, 공적공간의 적극적 활용 등의 의도를 담고, 지구단위계획조건에서 경사지붕 설계로 규정을 준수하며 외부에서의 덩어리 매스를 구성하려 했지만 법적 해석 등의 현실에 부딪혀 아쉽게 변경되었다.

항상 아쉬운 선택이 있고 시간도 부족했지만, 건축주와 콜라보 하는 시간들은 정말 즐거웠다. 공간들이 제 역할을 해, 도심에서의 볼거리가 되고 풍요로운 이야기를 갖길 기대해 본다.


우측 전경
위쪽 전경
정면, 우측 전경


Site Conditions
A friend purchased a standalone property within a proximity of Damyang County's location in a development area. The rectangular-shaped plot of land, with a 6 meter front road, has somewhat ambiguous boundaries. Hopes of creating a concept using the surrounding landscape and natural conditions have quietly settled. What stories can be crafted here?

The story of the owner of a building
The client is a close college friend who, after making their mark in various endeavors, decided to start a new chapter here. They reside here with their spouse, daughter, and two sons who visit on weekends, with the daughter being the eldest. Each family member has their own hobbies, necessitating spaces for these pursuits, as well as shared living areas, a yard, and a vegetable garden.

Design Process
The rectangular site led to exploring multiple alternatives. Ultimately, the decision was made to position the main mass to the northwest and create a yard to the south. The family's living quarters are located to the north, taking into consideration views and privacy. To the west, facing the front road, there are the sons' rooms, parking, and the vegetable garden, while the central area consists of the public spaces—the living room and kitchen.
The faces of the surrounding buildings seen from the front road were not part of a preconceived plan. I wanted the building to be memorable. Since views from the left, right, and rear sides are not visible from the road, pedestrians passing by can imagine the stories embedded in the architecture. The family can also create new memories while enjoying the landscape. The space that was created in this manner is the bridge. The bridge connects the main house, the wife's hobby space, the reception area, and the greenhouse area. It not only provides a perspective view but also allows pedestrians on the road to view the void, providing a panoramic view of the nearby hills, while serving as a canopy for the entrance.
Upon entering the entrance, a long bench occupies one side of the foyer. This conveniently solves situations where you might be holding bags or umbrellas when putting on shoes. The long vertical window behind the bench becomes a frame for flowers and trees. Walking along the corridor, you encounter the segmented area, a cross-shaped space that marks the transition to new spaces, with flowers and sunlight streaming in. The area containing the children's rooms is designed as a hobby space, and the terrace and views in front of the daughter's room are a gift.
The greenhouse is structured on two levels, attempting to harmonize with the main mass and make the most of the public space. Although the initial design aimed for a sloping roof to comply with the local planning regulations, it had to be modified due to legal interpretations and practical constraints.
There are always regrettable choices and time constraints, but the time spent collaborating with the client was truly enjoyable. I hope these spaces fulfill their intended roles, becoming sights in the city and harboring rich stories.



1층 실내
1층 실내
주출입구 현관문을 바라본 사진(브릿지 하부)
현관 내부 창문에서 바라본 사진



설계자 | 정양대  _ 종합건축사사무소 JYD도시건축
건축주 | 김동겸
감리자 | 나은명
시공사 | 김동겸
설계팀 | 이영복, 최준일, 함승주
대지위치 | 전라남도 담양군 담양읍 태왕7길 32
주요용도 | 단독주택
대지면적 | 370.00㎡
건축면적 | 118.75㎡
연면적 | 170.48㎡
건폐율 | 32.09%
용적률 | 46.08%
규모 | 2F
구조 | 철근콘크리트구조
외부마감재 | 점토와이드벽돌
내부마감재 | 수성페인트도장(올퍼티)
설계기간 | 2020. 10 – 2021. 04
공사기간 | 2021. 04 – 2021. 10
사진 | 박정일
 구조분야  |  (주)제네랄구조엔지니어링
 기계설비분야  |  대도엔지니어링
 전기분야  |  대도엔지니어링
 소방분야  |  대도엔지니어링
Architect | Jeong, Yang Dae  _ JYD Urban, General Architecture
Client | Kim, Dong Gyeom
Supervisor | Na, Eun Myung
Construction | Kim, Dong Gyeom
Project team | Lee, Youngbok / Choi, Junil / Ham, Seungjoo
Location | 32, Taewang 7-gil, Damyang-gun, Jeollanam-do, Korea
Program | Single family house
Site area | 370.00㎡
Building area | 118.75㎡
Gross floor area | 170.48㎡
Building to land ratio | 32.09%
Floor area ratio | 46.08%
Building scope | 2F
Structure | RC
Exterior finishing | Clay-wide brick
Interior finishing | Water paint(all putty)
Design period | 2020. 10 – 2021. 04
Construction period | 2021. 04 – 2021. 10
Photograph | Park, Jeong Il
Structural engineer | General Structural Engineering
Mechanical engineer | Daedo Engineering
Electrical engineer | Daedo Engineering
Fire engineer | Daedo Engineering