월간 건축사지 2024. 1. 31. 10:35





일터와 주거의 공존
삼(蔘)토리는 청도읍성과 향교 인근에 터를 잡은 음식점과 단독주택 프로젝트이다. 주도로인 남측도로보다 3미터 낮은 대지지만 청도 남산과 건너편 북카페 조망이 가능하고, 동측으로 마을과 하천이 흐르는 매력적인 대지였다. 건축주는 자신의 일터인 ‘인삼도토리수제비 식당(삼토리)’과 4인 가족이 거주할 단독주택을 계획하고 있었고, 문화재지역으로서의 제한사항을 고려해 음식점과 단독주택 모두 지상 1층으로 계획됐다.

분리와 연결
일터와 주거에서 각각의 물리적·시선적 영역을 확보하기 위해 중정을 중심으로 도로 측은 음식점으로, 대지 내부 쪽으로 단독주택을 배치해 물리적인 거리를 확보했다. 또 음식점에서 주택 측으로 높이가 높은 창호 계획과 더불어 주택부분에 목재가벽을 설치해 시선과 심리적 거리를 두었다. 중정의 동측은 하천과 마을 방향으로 열어두고, 소나무를 식재하여 주택의 앞마당 역할을 하는 중정에서 주위 풍경을 담을 수 있도록 했다.

문화재 지역인 관계로, 2개의 건물 모두가 동일한 높이의 지상 1층으로 이뤄졌다. 수평적 이미지 위주의 단조로움을 극복하기 위해 음식점은 수평성이 강조된 형태 속에 재료의 질감을 달리한 빗각 형태의 매스를 구성해 색상과 형태의 대비, 시간에 따른 건물의 다양한 표정 변화를 연출하려 했다. 주택은 장방형의 매스를 현관, 거실, 침실의 3개 매스로 분할하여 단일 매스가 아닌 3개 매스의 조합으로 보이도록 했다. 2개의 건물 모두 동일한 마감재료를 적용했지만, 음식점은 수평성을 강조하고 단독주택은 매스의 분할을 강조해 색상의 통일 속에서 형태적 변화감을 주었다.

내부 공간
‘수제비집 같지 않은 수제비 집’을 콘셉트로 벽체와 천정은 콘크리트의 거친 느낌을 살리고, 바닥은 무채색의 포쉐린 타일을 베이스로 했다. 민화가 걸려있는 목재가벽은 무채색의 실내공간에서 포인트 역할과 함께 ‘전통식당’이라는 장소의 시그널이 된다.

주도로변보다 낮은 대지 특성상 건축물이 처음부터 자신의 모습을 다 보여주지는 않는다. 동측 다리를 건널 때쯤 슬그머니 엿볼 수 있고 진입 경사로를 따라 내려와야 제대로 마주할 수 있다. 여느 상업건물처럼 주위 어디에서도 눈에 확 띄진 않지만 동선에 따라 조금씩 모습을 드러내는 것이 매력이 아닐까 한다.


남측 조감뷰
일반음식점 도로측 전경
주택 동측 전경


Coexistence of work and residence
Sam (蔘) Tori is a restaurant and single-family home project located near Cheongdo-eupseong Fortress and Hyanggyo. Although the site was 3 meters lower than the southern road, the main road, it was an attractive site with a view of Namsan Mountain in Cheongdo and the book cafe across the street, and a village and river flowing to the east. The client was planning to build his workplace, ‘Ginseng Acorn Sujebi Restaurant (Samtori)’, and a single-family home for a family of four. Considering the restrictions as a cultural heritage site, both the restaurant and the single-family home were planned to be on the first floor above ground.

Isolation and connection
In order to secure separate physical and visual areas for work and residence, physical distance was secured by placing restaurants on the road side and single family homes toward the inside of the site, centered around the courtyard. In addition, in addition to planning high-height windows from the restaurant to the house, a wooden temporary wall was installed in the house to create visual and psychological distance. The eastern side of the courtyard was opened towards the river and village, and pine trees were planted to capture the surrounding scenery from the courtyard, which serves as the front yard of the house.

Because it is a cultural heritage area, both buildings are built on the first floor of the same height. In order to overcome the monotony of focusing on horizontal images, the restaurant attempted to create a contrast in color and shape and various changes in the building’s expression over time by constructing an oblique shaped mass with different textures of materials in a form that emphasized horizontality. . The house was divided into three masses, the entrance, living room, and bedroom, so that it appeared as a combination of three masses rather than a single mass. Although the same finishing materials were applied to both buildings, the restaurant emphasized horizontality and the single-family home emphasized division of the mass, giving a sense of morphological change within the unity of color.

Interior space
With the concept of ‘a sujebi house that is not like a sujebi house’, the walls and ceiling were made to bring out the rough feel of concrete, and the floor was based on achromatic porcelain tiles. The wooden wall with folk paintings hanging serves as a focal point in the colorless interior space and serves as a signal of the place being a ‘traditional restaurant.’

Due to the nature of the land being lower than the main road, the building does not show its full appearance from the beginning. You can catch a glimpse of it when you cross the eastern bridge, and you can only see it properly when you come down the entrance ramp. Although it is not clearly visible from the surroundings like other commercial buildings, its charm is that it gradually reveals itself depending on the movement route.


주택 거실 전경
주택 툇마루 놀이방
주택 아이방
일반음식점 홀



설계자 | 이창호 _ 더솔 건축사사무소
건축주 | 김철희
감리자 | 이창호 _ 더솔 건축사사무소
시공사 | 주식회사 한성문화건설, (주)더솔건축
설계팀 | 정은지
대지위치 | 경상북도 청도군 화양읍 동천3길 66
주요용도 | 근린생활시설, 단독주택
대지면적 | 1,755.00㎡
건축면적 | 328.82㎡
연면적 | 318.80㎡
건폐율 | 18.74%
용적률 | 18.17%
규모 | 1F
구조 | 철근콘크리트구조
외부마감재 | BXP-Best Panel (주. ST라이트)
내부마감재 | 근린생활시설 _ 벽·천정 : 노출콘크리트 / 바닥 : 포쉐린타일
                    단독주택 _ 실크벽지, 강마루
설계기간 | 2021. 02 - 2021. 06
공사기간 | 2021. 07 - 2022. 02
사진 | 윤동규
 구조분야 | OS구조
 기계설비분야 | 이도산업개발
 전기분야 | 신라기술단
 소방분야 | 신라기술단
Architect | Lee, Changho _ The S.O.L Architects
Client | Kim, Cheolhee
Supervisor | Lee, Changho _ The S.O.L Architects
Construction | Hanseongmunhwa Construction Co., Ltd The Sol Architecture Co., Ltd.
Project team | Jeong, Eunji
Location | 66, Dongcheon 3-gil, Hwayang-eup, Cheongdo-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea
Program | Neighborhood living facility & Single family house
Site area | 1,755.00㎡
Building area | 328.82㎡
Gross floor area | 318.80㎡
Building to land ratio | 18.74%
Floor area ratio | 18.17%
Building scope | 1F
Structure | RC
Exterior finishing | BXP-Best Panel
Interior finishing | 
Neighborhood living facility : Exposed concrete, Porcelain tile
Single family house : Wallpaper, Wood floor
Design period | Feb. 2021 - Jun. 2021
Construction period | Jul. 2021 - Feb. 2022
Photograph | Yoon, Donggyu
Structural engineer | OS Structure Engineering
Mechanical engineer | IDO Eng
Electrical engineer | Sinla Eng
Fire engineer | Sinla Eng