회원작품 | Projects/Office

(주)세이프코리아 사옥 _ 소소원 2024.2

월간 건축사지 2024. 3. 8. 10:00
Safe Korea Office Building





대지 읽기와 접근
세이프코리아 사옥의 동북면, 남한강변 여주의 외평리에서 시작한 무태산(해발 200m) 능선은 병풍처럼 서북면으로 원적산(해발 564m), 정개산(해발 433m)으로 이어져 광주 노곡리의 더덕바위산(해발 350m)에서 90도 직각으로 축을 틀어 남동쪽 이천 시청이 들어서 있는 설봉산(해발 393m)까지 이어진다. 세이프코리아 사옥은 원적산을 주산으로 한다. 최근 산수유 축제가 트렌드인 원적산의 직각 축인 남동으로 5킬로미터 완만한 평야 지대를 지나면 다시 해발 50미터 구릉지에 이른다. 이곳 이천 백사면에 세이프코리아 사옥이 터를 잡았다. 이천 평야의 중심 약 12%의 남면 구릉지 햇살 가득한 곳에 위치하며, 사옥의 800미터 서쪽에서 원적산을 이은 해발 150미터의 위산과 오산 줄기가 왼쪽으로 가지를 뻗어 사옥으로 이어진다. 사옥의 동쪽 끝에서 다시 남으로 90도 축을 틀어 500미터 떨어진 곳에는 조선 후기 안동 김씨의 마지막 세도 정치인인 김좌근의 묘지와 그의 별장인 고택이 자리한다. 남쪽으로 낮은 구릉을 몇 개 더 지나면 이천 평야가 펼쳐진다. 이천 쌀의 주산지인 이천 평야는 용인 양지면을 발원으로 한 북하천과 이천의 신둔면에서 발원한 신둔천을 수원으로 하여 비옥한 농지가 조성됐다. 

공간, 환경
이미 전 설계자에 의해서 프로그램에 따른 업무 중심의 설계가 완료된 상태였으나, 외부 디자인과 공간구성에 발전하는 기업 이미지를 상징하고 사옥으로서의 대·내외적 위상을 재고해 새롭게 디자인해 달라는 클라이언트의 요청이 있었다. 다만, 공사비 증액은 최소한이어야 했고 착공이 임박했기에 건축의 구조적 틀은 그대로 가져가야 하는 상황이었다. 따라서 기존의 것을 존중하면서 새로운 콘셉트를 구상했다. 그 시작은 자연과 대지를 읽고 장소적 특성을 모티브로 디자인 콘셉트의 실마리를 풀어갔다.
건축공간의 적절한 프로포션이란 입면뿐 아닌 평면과 3차원적 공간을 포괄한 심미안적 입체 스펙트럼을 통과해서 얻는 영감의 결과물이다. 따라서 자연과 건축, 사람의 스케일과 비례 관계의 위계를 정하면 통합적 디자인 결과는 간결, 명료해진다. 
지리적, 생태적, 기후적 환경요소를 분석해 건축이 환경에 주는 영향이 최소화되도록 하고, 최적의 업무환경 조성을 위한 노력으로 치유적 건축의 기능이 상호 관계를 맺도록 했다. 환경요소가 건축과 사람에 접근하는 것을 투영해 건축적 기법으로 흡수 조절하는 문법으로 자연과 건축, 사람이 소통하도록 하는 것이다.

마스터플랜, 경관 조경
대지의 건물 배치는 본관동을 중심으로 휴게동, 하역동을 별동으로 하고 본관동은 대지 레벨차에 따라 1층 주 진입마당, 2층 부 진입마당으로 구획된다. 본관동에는 작업과 업무 외에 휴식과 교류 등의 다양한 힐링 활동 공간인 우숨소 카페와 레크레이션센터를 두어 작업환경을 순화하고, 휴게동은 소소원으로 이름하여 온실과 휴게 기능을 한다. 건축 관련 소방 내화 채움재를 개발 생산하는 회사의 이미지에 착안해 내·외부 컬러 디자인을 구상했으며, 사무공간과 휴식공간은 색채 심리학적 원리를 적용한 색조를 적용했다.
대지는 26%에 달하는 조경디자인이 접목되었다. 4개의 조경 구획에는 소나무, 자작나무, 대나무, 산수유 등의 군식과 남천, 맥문동, 진달래 등으로 한국적 정서를 물들이고 각기 다른 기하학적 형태의 세 개의 연못과 한 개의 벽천으로 사계절의 하늘을 비춘다. 휴식과 힐링의 통로로 적용한 세이프코리아 사옥의 가장 큰 디자인 콘셉트인 조경 배치 구성은 평면적으로 대지 안에서 사람의 이동결과로 얻어지는 동선궤적인 슬라럼(Slalom)곡선을 레이어(Layer)로 대지의 형태와 건축의 축으로 드러난 기하학적 선형의 틀과 교차 직조했다. 강렬한 패턴 구획 디자인이지만 자작나무 그늘에 앉아 대나무 노래를 들을 수 있는 돌담을 쌓고 제주석 바닥 틈 사이로 잔디를 심어 푸릇한 싱그러움이 발걸음을 가볍게 한다. 적절하게 의도한 외부경관의 차경(借景)은 물론, 대지 안의 조경은 또 하나의 녹색 프레임으로 시각적, 청각적 인지 감성을 자극한다. 
창의 디자인은 사람을 생각하는 건축물의 표정과 마음을 나타내기 때문에 파사드의 프로포션을 구성하는 핵심요소 중 하나이다. 내적으로는 차경(借景)을 위한 전망창(Picture Window)의 역할을 한다. 전망창은 내부 공간의 빛 조절과 경관치유(Healing Landscape)의 의미를 담고 있어 잘 다듬어진 전망창은 생활 속에 거주하는 사람에게 행복을 준다. 그것이 건축이다.





Reading and accessing the site
Mutaesan Mountain (200m above sea level) starts from Oepyeong-ri, Yeoju, on the northeast side of the Safe Korea office building, and extends to Wonjeoksan Mountain (564m above sea level) and Jeonggaesan Mountain (433m above sea level) in the northwest side like a folding screen, and extends to Seolbongsan Mountain (393m above sea level) where Icheon City Hall is located in the southeast by turning the axis at a 90-degree right angle from Deodeokbawisan Mountain (350m above sea level) in Nogok-ri, Gwangju.,The Safe Korea building is located on the slopes of Icheon’s Baeksa-myeon.,It is located in a sunny place in the southern hilly area of about 12% of the center of the Icheon plain. It is located 800m west of the building and 150m above sea level and Osan stem extends to the left to the building.,Another 90-degree turn to the south at the eastern end of the building, 500 meters away, lies the graveyard of Kim Jwa-geun, the last Power politician of the late Andong Kim clan in the late Joseon Dynasty, and his villa, Gotaek, and a few more low hills to the south, and the Icheon plain stretches out.,In the Icheon Plain, the main source of Icheon rice, fertile farmland was created with the Bukha River originating from Yangji-myeon, Yongin, and Sinduncheon Stream originating from Sindun-myeon, Icheon as its source.

Space, environment
Although the work-oriented design according to the program was already completed by the primary designer, there was a request from the client to symbolize the corporate image that develops in the external design and space composition and to redesign the internal and external status as a building.,However, the increase in construction costs had to be minimal and the construction of the building was imminent, so the structural framework of the building had to be taken as it was.,The beginning was to read the nature and the earth and to solve the clue of the design concept of the motivate in the place characteristic.

Proper proposal of architectural space is the result of inspiration obtained through aesthetic three-dimensional spectrum including plane and three-dimensional space as well as elevation.,Therefore, when the hierarchy of scale and proportional relationship between nature, architecture, and man is determined, the result of integrated design becomes concise and clear.
By analyzing geographical, ecological, and climatic environmental factors, the effect of architecture on the environment was minimized and the function of healing architecture was made to make an effort to create the optimal working environment.,It is a grammar that reflects the approach of environmental factors to architecture and people and absorbs and adjusts them by architectural techniques, allowing nature, architecture, and people to communicate.

Masterplan, Landscape
The building layout of the site was based on the main building, and the rest area and the loading  area were separated, The main building is divided into the first floor main entrance hall and the second floor entrance hall according to the ground level difference. In addition to work and office work, the main building has a variety of healing activities such as relaxation and exchange, such as a cafeteria and a recreation center, to purify the work environment. I focused on the image of a company that develops and manufactures fire-fighting fire-fighting fillers related to architecture, and conceived an exterior color design. The office space and the rest space were applied to the hue applying the color psychology principle.

26% of landscaping design was grafted onto the land. In the four landscaping sections, Korean emotions are painted with pine trees, birch trees, bamboo trees, corn oil, and Namcheon, Mackmundong, and azaleas. Three different ponds and one wall of different geometric shapes illuminate the four seasons of the sky. The landscape arrangement composition, which is the biggest design concept of Safe Korea office building applied as a passage of rest and healing, is a layer of slalom curves, which are obtained as a result of human movement in the ground, and intersects with the geometric linear frame revealed by the shape of the ground and the axis of architecture. It is an intense pattern compartment design, but it builds a stone wall where you can sit in the shade of a birch tree and listen to a bamboo song, and the grass is planted through the gaps in the bottom of Jeju stone, so that the freshness makes your step lighter.,In addition to the appropriately intended external landscape, landscaping in the land stimulates visual and auditory cognitive emotions with another green frame.

The design of a window is one of the key elements that constitute the proposal of a facade because it represents the expression and mind of a building that thinks of a person, and internally acts as a picture window for a man in the building.,The view window(Picture window) contains the meaning of the light control and the healing landscape of the interior space, and the well-designed view window gives happiness to the person living in the life. That is architecture.




(주)세이프코리아 사옥 _ 소소원
설계자 | 김순도 _ 디자인그룹예상 건축사사무소
건축주 | (주)세이프코리아
감리자 | 김순도 _ 디자인그룹예상 건축사사무소 
시공사 | 정제선 _ 남일종합건설
설계팀 | 이미재, 김성훈
대지위치 | 경기도 이천시 백사면 청백리로393번길 260-26
주요용도 | 공장, 사무소
대지면적 | 5,851.00㎡
건축면적 | 1,504.94㎡
연면적 | 3,572.76㎡
건폐율 | 25.72%
용적률 | 61.06%
규모 | 3F
구조 | 철골구조 + 철근콘크리트구조
외부마감재 | 스틸 판넬(글라스울)
내부마감재 | 석고보드 위 수성페인트
설계기간 | 2019. 03 – 2020. 09
공사기간 | 2019. 07 – 2020. 12
사진 | 디자인그룹예상 건축사사무소
Safe Korea Office Building
Architect |  Kim, Soon-Do _ Design Group Yeasang Architects
Client | Safe Korea Co. Ltd.
Supervisor | Kim, Soon-Do _ Design Group Yeasang Architects
Construction | Jeong, Je-Seon _ Namil Construction Co., Ltd.
Project team | Lee, Mi-Jae/ Kim Sung-hoon
Location | 260-26, Cheongbaengni-ro 393beon-gil,  Baeksa-myeon, Icheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Program | Office, Conference room, Restaurants, Cafe, Workshops
Site area | 5,851.00㎡
Building area | 1,504.94㎡
Gross floor area | 3,572.76㎡
Building to land ratio | 25.72%
Floor area ratio | 61.06%
Building scope | 3F
Structure | Steel + RC
Exterior finishing | Steel Panel(Glass Wool)
Interior finishing | Water Paint finish above Gypsum board
Design period | Mar. 2019 – Sep. 2020
Construction period | Jul. 2019 – Dec. 2020
Photograph | Design Group Yeasang Architects