월간 건축사지 2024. 3. 31. 10:05
KL Building





건축주는 남산 힐튼호텔에서 남산순환도로로 올라가는 길목에 위치해있던 ‘나오스노바(Naos Nova)’를 기획하고 건축해 운영했던 디자이너이다. 이 프로젝트의 이름인 ‘KL’은 건축주의 이니셜에서 가져왔다. 나오스노바(Naos Nova)는 그리스어와 라틴어를 결합하여 만든 ‘새로운 신전’이라는 의미를 지닌 건축물로, 2000년대 초반 건축주의 이상을 구현한 복합문화공간이었다.

용도와 배치계획
서초동의 법조단지에 위치하여 법률사무소의 임대를 목표로 계획했으며, 되도록 지하1층 로비, 루프탑 등의 공용공간은 추후 건축주의 문화활동 등에 활용될 수 있도록 고려했다. 대지는 서울법원청사 단지의 남측으로 접해있고, 법원로4길(4M)의 막다른 도로에 위치한다. 북측은 높이 4미터의 옹벽으로 막혀있고, 동측과 남측은 주변 건물들에 둘러싸여 조밀한 환경이었다. 그러나 북측의 옹벽 위로 법원청사 앞으로 열린 녹지공간과 도로를 가능성으로 보았다. 또한 정북 일조사선의 제한으로 인해 자연스럽게 코어(Core)는 남측으로 배치되고, 북측으로 열린 건물이 되었다.

전용공간과 공용공간_ 건물의 기본 평면은 임대용 업무시설에 가장 적합한 장방형으로 계획되었고, 업무 전용공간(served space)과 공용공간(servant space)으로 매스를 명확히 분리하고 그 사이를 중정과 같이 틔운 공간으로 계획하여 공간의 전환을 명확하게 느낄 수 있도록 했다. 
출입구_ 막다른 도로와 법원 옹벽, 주변 건물들로 막힌 대지에서의 주진입부는 필로티를 활용하여 건물의 개방감을 부여하는 동시에 출입문은 도로에 직접 면하지 않고 필로티 하부로 동선을 연장하여 배치함으로써 진입 동선에서 시퀀스를 느낄 수 있도록 여유를 둔 것이 특징이다.
반원형 선큰_ 기계식 주차가 아닌 자주식 주차장 설치 요구에 따라 대지 중앙으로 진입로를 계획하고 지하주차장 램프로 이어지게 했다. 이로 인해 자연스럽게 반원형의 곡선 램프가 형성되었고, 이 반원형 곡면을 따라 나선형 계단을 두어 지하 1층 선큰공간과 건축주를 위한 프라이빗하고 상징적인 갤러리 출입구로 기능하게 되었다.
발코니_ 일조사선제한으로 인해 북측으로 이격된 공간에 각 층별 발코니를 설치하고, 지상 5층과 옥상에 적극적인 옥상정원을 마련해 임차인의 휴게공간 및 건축주의 문화활동을 위한 외부공간으로 계획했다. 
수공간_ 건물 동측으로 후원(수공간)을 계획했는데, 약 2.4미터 높이의 벽천은 동측 인접 건물과의 시각적 간섭을 방지한다. 벽천을 따라 흐르는 물 소리는 법조단지 주변의 복잡하고 조밀한 환경이 느껴지지 않도록 도와준다.

입면과 질감 
입면을 계획함에 있어 앞서 언급된 ‘나오스노바(Naos Nova)’의 모티브인 ‘신전’을 염두에 두었고, 신전을 이루고 있는 반복되는 열주들과 코니스(cornice)에 착안하여 계획했다. 무게감이 느껴지는 석재, 노출 콘크리트의 면, 빛과 그림자, 그리고 반복되는 창을 통하여 하나의 유닛을 만들고 그것을 반복시킨 파사드를 통해 신전과 같은 형상을 계획했다. 전용공간(served space)의 입면은 이러한 파사드를 적극 반영해 신전(Naos)의 이미지를 부여하고, 공용공간(servant space)의 입면은 솔리드한 인조석과 커튼월로만 구성하여 입면 또한 명확히 구분했다. 

서초동 법조단지의 복잡한 도시 풍경속에서 KL빌딩 영역으로 들어서면 어지러웠던 시야는 간결하고 묵직한 매스의 공간으로, 주변의 소음은 벽천에서 흐르는 물소리로 정리된다. 각 층 업무공간(전용공간)에서 이어지는 발코니에서는 북측의 탁 트인 서리풀공원의 전망과 김수근 선생님이 설계한 법원 청사의 파사드와 마주하게 된다. 분주한 도심 속 쉼의 시간, 공간에 들어와서 전이되는 서초동의 ‘Naos(신전)’가 되길 기대한다.

서측 전경


The client, a designer who previously planned, constructed, and operated “Naos Nova” located at the entrance to the Namsan Circular Road from the Namsan Hilton Hotel, took inspiration from their initials to name the project “KL.” Naos Nova, a combination of Greek and Latin, translates to “New Temple” and was a complex cultural space that embodied the aspirations of the client in the early 2000s.

Purpose and layout plan
Located in the legal district of Seocho-dong, the plan was to target leasing to law firms, with careful consideration given to common areas such as the underground 1st-floor lobby and rooftop, intended for potential use in the client’s cultural activities in the future. Situated southward of the Seoul District Court complex, the site is positioned along a dead-end road, Lawwon-ro 4-gil (4M). The northern side is enclosed by a 4-meter-high retaining wall, while the eastern and southern sides are surrounded by dense buildings. However, the open green space and road in front of the courthouse beyond the northern retaining wall were seen as possibilities. Additionally, due to restrictions imposed by the north-facing sunlight, the core was naturally positioned toward the south, resulting in an open building layout facing north.

Floor plan
The building’s basic floor plan was designed as a rectangular shape, most suitable for leased office facilities. The masses were clearly separated into served space (private areas) and servant space (common areas), with a void space planned in between, resembling a courtyard, to ensure a clear transition between spaces. The main entrance of the building, situated on a site blocked by a dead-end road, the court wall, and surrounding buildings, utilizes pilotis to provide a sense of openness to the building. At the same time, the entrance is not directly facing the road but is extended below the pilotis, allowing for a sequence of movement in the entrance route, providing a sense of spaciousness. Semicircular sunken_ An access road is designed to be placed in the center of the site and connected to the underground parking ramp at the client’s request for drive-in parking rather than mechanical parking. Therefore, a semicircular curved ramp is naturally formed, and a spiral staircase is placed along this semicircular curve to function as a sunken space on the first basement floor and a private and symbolic gallery entrance for the client. Balcony_ Balconies are installed on each floor in spaces separated to the north due to slant line restriction for daylight, and active rooftop gardens on the 5th floor and on the rooftop are designed to serve as a resting area for tenants and an outdoor space for the client’s cultural activities. Water space_ A water space is designed to be placed on the east side of the building, and about 2.4-meter high wall ceiling prevents visual interference from the adjacent building on the east side. The sound of water flowing along Byeokcheon (Wall Fountain) helps to avoid feeling the complex and dense environment around the legal complex.

Elevation and texture 
Facade Planning: In planning the facade, inspiration was drawn from the motif of the “temple” as previously mentioned, particularly from the “nave” columns and cornices that make up the temple. With a focus on creating a sense of weightiness, the design incorporated elements such as heavy stone, exposed concrete surfaces, play of light and shadow, and repetitive windows to form a unified unit. This unit was then repeated across the facade to evoke the shape of a temple. The facade of the served space embraced these elements to impart the image of a temple (Naos), while the facade of the servant space was distinctly differentiated with solid artificial stone and curtain walls.

As you enter the area of the KL Building within the bustling urban landscape of Seocho-dong’s legal district, the once dizzying sight transforms into a space of simplicity and solidity. The surrounding noise is organized into the soothing sound of flowing water from the wall fountain. From the balconies extending from each floor’s office space (served space), one can enjoy views of the expansive Seoripul Park to the north and face the facade of the courthouse designed by Master Kim Soo-geun. It is a moment of respite amidst the hustle and bustle of the city, entering into the essence of Seocho-dong’s “Naos” – its temple-like sanctuary.




2-4층 사무실
4층 발코니
지하 1층 선큰




KL 빌딩
설계자 | 최동규 · 최유철 _ (주)서인종합건축사사무소
건축주 | 케이엘 에스테이트
감리자 | (주)서인종합건축사사무소
시공사 | C건설
설계팀 | 주효진, 한혜선, 이소진, 유한성
설계의도 구현 | (주)서인 종합건축사사무소
대지위치 | 서울특별시 서초구 서초동 법원로4길 11-6
주요용도 | 업무시설(사무소)
대지면적 | 699.33㎡  /  건축면적 | 363.05㎡
연면적 | 2,244.14㎡  /  건폐율 | 51.91%
용적률 | 177.70%  /  규모 | B2F - 5F
구조 | 철근콘크리트구조
외부마감재 | 인조석타일, DK컬러강판, 로이복층유리
내부마감재 | 지정석재, 페인트, 네트워크플로어
설계기간 | 2020. 03 - 2021. 08
공사기간 | 2021. 02 – 2022. 08
사진 | 임준영
 구조분야 | (주)더나은구조엔지니어링
 기계설비분야 | (주)맥엔드엠이씨
 전기분야 | (주)대경전기설계사무소
 소방분야 | (주)맥엔드엠이씨, (주)대경전기설계사무소
 경관조명분야 | 스튜디오 폼기버
 인테리어분야 | (주)케이램 
KL Building
Architect | Choi, Dongkyu · Choi, Alex Yoocheol _ Seoinn Design Group
Client | KL Estate
Supervisor | Seoinn Design Group
Construction | C Consturction Co.
Project team | Ju, Hyojin / Han, Hyeseon /  Lee, Sojin / Yoo, Hansung 
Design intention realization | Seoinn Design Group
Location | 11-6, Beobwon-ro 4-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea
Program | Business facilities
Site area | 699.33㎡
Building area | 363.05㎡
Gross floor area | 2,244.14㎡
Building to land ratio | 51.91%
Floor area ratio | 177.70%
Building scope | B2F - 5F
Structure | RC
Exterior finishing | 
Artificial Stone Tile, DK Color Steel Panel, Low-e pair glass
Interior finishing | Marble, Granite, Paint, Network Floor
Design period | Mar. 2020 - Aug. 2021
Construction period | Feb. 2021 – Aug. 2022
Photograph | Lim, Junyeong
Structural engineer | The Naeun Structural Engineering Co. Ltd.
Mechanical engineer | Mac & MEC
Electrical engineer | 
Dae-Kyeong Electrical Enginneering & consulting Inc.
Fire engineer | Mac&MEC, Dae-Kyeong Electrical E&C Inc.
Lighting engineer | Studio Formgiver 
Interior engineer | K_lamb