회원작품 | Projects/House

화창재(和暢齋)5583 2024.3

월간 건축사지 2024. 3. 31. 10:20





집안 가득 볕을 담아 하늘과 별과 바람을 노래하다
평창동에 위치한 화창재의 토지는 북한산 자락에서 동남향을 바라보는 지형이다. 뒤의 북서쪽은 지대가 높고 6미터 도로에 접하며 남동쪽은 낮은 경사지로 6미터 도로에 접하고 있다. 마을 건너 동쪽 산 정상엔 북악 스카이웨이의 팔각정이 보이고, 우측으로 흐르는 능선을 따라 북악산과 인왕산, 그 사이로 멀리 관악산이 보이는 곳에 위치한다. 현장을 접하고 난감했던 것은 장기적으로 거주하기 위해 전·후면의 도로와 대지의 단차에 계단 없이 편리한 진입로를 확보하는 것과 전·후면의 옹벽에 건물 매스를 조화를 어떻게 이룰지였다.

건축주는 ① 과도한 치장보다 실용적인 평면과 입면, ② 자연적인 햇빛, 통풍과 환기에 의한 쾌적한 환경, ③ 노후에도 편안하게 진입 가능한 계획, ④ 코로나와 같은 팬데믹 상황 시 집에서 여가 활동이 가능한 환경과 더불어 따스한 집이길 원했다. 
우연일까? 안주인의 ‘화’자와 남편의 ‘창’ 아들의 ‘재’자가 합쳐졌다. 건물 이름인 ‘和暢齋(화창재) 5583’의 탄생이다. 이름도 뜻도 조합도 따뜻하다.

배치는 낮게 흐르는 남동쪽에 마당을 위치시켜 건너편의 산 조망과 건물을 연계시키고, 거실의 창들을 마당 쪽으로 두어 채광이 충분하도록 했다. 건물은 북쪽의 높은 석축 쪽으로 근접시켜, 겨울엔 북풍을 막아주어 따뜻하고 여름엔 건물과 옹벽에 의한 계곡 바람을 만들어 통풍이 효과적으로 일어날 수 있게 배치했다.

평면은 1층에 게스트 룸, 당구장, 찜질방, 스크린 골프장, 홈바, 노래방 등 취미실로 구성해 팬데믹 등의 상황에서도 집에서 여가 활동이 가능하도록 했으며, 수공간, 마당과 연계시켜 활동적인 공간으로 구성했다. 2층 전면은 주 생활공간으로 실 모두 대형 창을 설치해 따뜻한 햇볕과 자연을 들였다. 거실 앞 테라스는 2층에서 또 하나의 작은 마당 역할을 한다. 또 식당 앞에 중정을 설치해 깊은 곳에 위치한 주방까지 조망과 햇빛을 유입했다.
주방 옆 보조주방을 통해 밖으로 나가면 브리지 넘어 텃밭을 두어 전원주택의 느낌을 주었다. 지구단위계획에 의한 경사 지붕엔 다락방이 있고, 다락방 앞에도 조그만 테라스를 두어 각 층마다 외부 공간을 구성했다.

입면, 단면, 주차는 다소 부담될 수 있는 매스 중간에 중정을 두어 분절함으로써 시각적 편안함을 주었다. 또 외장재는 롱브릭을 사용해 주변 건축물들과 어울리도록 구성했으며, 실용성 있는 창호 계획으로 건축주의 의견을 반영했다. 남쪽의 낮은 도로에 4대의 주차가 가능하도록 하여 방문자를 배려했고, 그 위로는 마당을 형성하여 건물 현관과 연계하고 북쪽의 높은 도로에서도 주차가 가능하도록 했다. 더해 주차 후에 바로 단차 없이 건물에 진입이 가능하도록 단면을 계획하여 노년에 엘리베이터를 설치하여 편하게 사용할 수 있도록 했다. 

대문을 열고 들어서면 계단 옆으로 대나무 숲이 넓게 펼쳐져 있고, 그 밑으로 다양한 화초들이 꽃을 피워 계단이라는 경사의 부담을 잊게 한다. 어느새 계단을 다 오르면 넓은 잔디마당 주변으로 소나무를 비롯한 수공간, 수벽과 조경이 계절별 테마로 자리한 듯 조화롭다. 쓱 돌아보면 언뜻 보이는 석탑이 옷깃을 여미게 한다. 수공간의 분수가 큰소리를 내고, 브릿지 건너 1층 현관에 들어서서 비치 의자에 앉으면 대형 창을 통해 보이는 수공간과 잔디마당 주변의 억새밭은 깊은 산속 힐링의 장소가 된다. 마당에서 다락 층까지 각기 다른 분위기의 테라스는 비 오는 날 와인을 한 잔 마시며 잔뜩 분위기를 내도 좋을 듯하다.
누군가 인생은 이 세상에 소풍을 나온 거라 했다. 화창재가 소풍 나온 이 세상에서 누군가의 아지트이기를 기대해 본다. 


야간 전경


Fill the house with sunlight and sing of the sky, stars, and wind
Hwachangjae, located in Pyeongchang-dong, is situated on terrain facing southeast from the foothills of Bukhansan Mountain. The rear, to the northwest, is characterized by high elevation and borders a 6-meter road, while the southeast gently slopes down and also connects to a 6-meter road. Across the village to the east, the peak of Bugak Skyway’s Pagak Pavilion is visible, with Bukhansan and Inwangsan Mountains flanking the ridge, while in the distance, Gwanaksan Mountain stands between them. Upon encountering the site, the challenge was how to secure convenient access without stairs to the front and back roads and the level difference of the land, for long-term residency, while harmonizing the building mass with the retaining walls on the front and back.
The client desired a practical layout and facade over excessive ornamentation, a comfortable environment facilitated by natural sunlight, ventilation, and airflow, easy access even in old age, and a cozy home suitable for leisure activities during pandemics like COVID-19. Was it a coincidence? The fusion of the host’s ‘Hwa’ character, her husband’s ‘Chang,’ and their son’s ‘Jae’ resulted in the birth of the building’s name, ‘和暢齋(Hwachangjae) 5583.’ The name, meaning, and combination are all warm.
The layout positions the courtyard on the gently sloping southeast side to connect the building with views of the opposite mountain, while placing windows in the living room facing the courtyard to ensure adequate natural lighting. The building is brought closer to the high stone foundation on the north side to block the northern winds in winter, while creating valley breezes in summer through the building and retaining walls for effective ventilation.
The ground floor is composed of hobby rooms such as a guest room, billiards room, sauna, screen golf room, home bar, and karaoke room, allowing leisure activities at home even in pandemic situations, and is designed as an active space connected to outdoor spaces such as courtyards. The entire front of the second floor serves as the main living space, with large windows allowing warm sunlight and nature to enter. The terrace in front of the living room serves as another small courtyard on the second floor. Additionally, a courtyard is installed in front of the dining area, allowing views and sunlight to penetrate deep into the kitchen.
Adjacent to the kitchen, a secondary kitchen leads outside to a vegetable garden across a bridge, adding to the feel of a country house. The sloping roof, planned according to the Earth Unit Plan, includes an attic, with a small terrace in front of each floor creating outdoor spaces on each level.
The arrangement of the entrance, section, and parking areas between somewhat burdensome masses provides visual comfort through segmentation. Exterior materials, using long bricks, were designed to harmonize with surrounding buildings, while a practical window plan reflects the client’s preferences. Parking for four cars is provided on the low road to the south, and a courtyard is formed above it, connecting to the building entrance, with parking also available from the high road to the north. Additionally, to ensure easy access to the building after parking, sections were planned without steps, with elevators installed for comfortable use in old age.
Upon opening the main door, a wide bamboo forest spreads beside the stairs, and beneath it, various flowers bloom, alleviating the slope’s burden. Upon reaching the top of the stairs, the expansive lawn surrounding the lawn, including pine trees, along with various spaces, retaining walls, and landscaping, harmoniously themed by season, is serene. Turning around, a stone pagoda catches the eye. The fountain in the outdoor space emits a loud sound, and sitting on the beach chair in front of the 1st floor entrance, the outdoor space and the grassy lawn surrounding it through the large window become a healing place deep in the mountains. The terraces from the courtyard to the attic floor each have a different atmosphere, making them perfect for enjoying a glass of wine on rainy days.
Someone once said that life is a picnic in this world. Hwachangjae hopes to be someone’s shelter in this world of picnics.



다락 테라스




설계자 | 호창기 _ 창안 건축사사무소
건축주 | 주윤화
감리자 | 김영숙 _ NS 건축사사무소
시공사 | 박혁 _ 휘경건설(주)
설계팀 | 우한제
설계의도 구현 | 창안 건축사사무소
대지위치 | 서울특별시 종로구 평창길111
주요용도 | 단독주택
대지면적 | 480.00㎡
건축면적 | 238.57㎡
연면적 | 299.86㎡
건폐율 | 49.70%
용적률 | 62.47%
규모 | B1F - 2F
구조 | 철근콘크리트구조
외부마감재 | 알루미늄징크, 롱브릭, 호피디딤석
내부마감재 | 스페셜페인트, 템바보드, 편백나무
설계기간 | 2020. 05 - 2020. 10
공사기간 | 2020. 12 - 2022. 11
사진 | 양태영 _ 건축사사무소 하
구조분야 | (주)한뉴엔지니어링 
기계설비분야 | (주)선이엔지
전기분야 | (주)선이엔지
인테리어 | 바움 스튜디오(주)
Architect | Ho, Chang Ki _ Chang An architects
Client | Ju, Yun Hwa
Supervisor | Kim, Young Sook _ NS Architects
Construction | Hwi Kyung Construction Co. Ltd.
Project team | Woo, Han Jae
Design intention realization | Chang An architects
Location | 111, Pyeongchang-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea 
Program | Singel family house
Site area | 480.00㎡
Building area | 238.57㎡
Gross floor area | 299.86㎡
Building to land ratio | 49.70%
Floor area ratio | 62.47%
Building scope | B1F - 2F
Structure | RC
Exterior finishing | 
Special paint, Tembar board, Hinoki cypress
Interior finishing | AL. Zinc, Long brick, Granite
Design period | May 2020 - Oct. 2020 
Construction period | Dec. 2020 - Nov. 2022
Photograph | TTAE HAarchitects
Structural engineer | Hannew Engineering
Mechanical engineer | SUN Eng.
Electrical engineer | SUN Eng.
Interior design | Studio Baum Inc.