월간 건축사지 2024. 4. 30. 10:30
Fillome bldg.





필로미 빌딩은 노모가 서울 상경 후 처음으로 자리 잡고 산 지 50년이 지나 두 딸에게 땅을 물려주며 시작된 프로젝트이다. 어머니가 처음 자리 잡았을 때는 공장 뒤 인적이 드문 어두운 기억의 공간이었다고 한다. 지금은 성수동에서 가장 사람들이 많이 오고 가는 너무나도 큰 변화의 장소이다. 땅은 약 142제곱미터(43평)의 세 면이 도로로 둘러싸인 협소한 삼각형 대지이다. 중공업 지역의 용적률 400% 확보, 임대형 상가와 세 가족의 주거가 복합된 프로그램, 자연 채광을 고려한 배치, 큰 도로변에서의 건물의 정면성, 성수스러움 등 좁은 대지에 담아내야 하는 조건의 복합도가 높은 프로젝트이다. 

숙명의 필로티
좁은 대지의 1층은 계단실을 제외한 대부분이 법정 주차로 채워진다. 모든 소규모 건물들의 1층이 필로티 구조가 될 수밖에 없는 태생적 이유이다. 필로티의 기둥이 지상 7층의 거대한 구조물을 받치고 있는 건물에서 필로티 구조와 상부 건물의 이질적이지 않은 조화의 방식에 대한 고민이 중요한 프로젝트이다. 필로티 구조 건물과의 연결성을 탐색하는 과정에서 성수동 고가 구조물에서 착안하여 필로티를 두 개의 큰 아치 구조로 계획하고, 상부층은 그 구조에서 자라나 하나로 엮여 있는 입면을 계획했다. 필로티의 바닥 역시 붉은 벽돌로 마감해 땅에서 시작해 건물 전체가 유기적으로 연계되게 계획했다. 아치 형태의 필로티는 큰 도로에서 후면의 막혀있던 도로를 연결하는 새로운 가로 경험의 공간이 된다.

복잡함의 단순화 – 패턴, 텍스처의 변주
성수동은 공장, 상업시설, 주거 등 오랜 시간 쌓여온 수많은 유형의 건축물들이 혼재되어 있고, 사람들이 모여들면서 개성 넘치는 상업시설의 새로운 유입으로 이미 도시 풍경의 과부하 상태이다. 이러한 환경 속에 새롭게 더해지는 필로미 빌딩 역시 상업시설과 주거가 복합되고, 주거의 유형도 임대형 원룸과 2가지 다른 유형의 건축주의 주거로 다양하다. 다양함이 만들어 낸 복잡함을 단순화하여 과잉된 도시 경관에 여백을 만들어주고자 했다. 건물이 하나의 단일한 풍경을 만들 수 있도록 아치 형태의 모티브를 프로그램을 고려해 조율했다. 재료는 기존 성수동에 흔히 볼 수 있는 붉은 벽돌을 선택하고, 2가지의 다른 텍스처를 활용한 미세한 디테일의 대비를 통해 단순함 속에 차이를 만들었다. 



정면 야경
남동측 야경
동측 상가 창호 디테일
동측 상부 주거 창호 벽돌 디테일



The Philome Building project began as a legacy from a mother to her two daughters, marking over 50 years since the family first settled in Seoul after the mother’s relocation. Initially, the area was remembered as a secluded space behind factories, but it has transformed into one of the most bustling locations in Seongsu-dong. The land, a compact triangular plot of approximately 142 square meters (about 43 pyeong), surrounded by roads on three sides, presents a high complexity project due to its industrial area density allowance of 400%, a mixed-use program of commercial leases and family residences, considerations for natural lighting, street-facing frontage, and embodying the essence of Seongsu.

The Inevitability of Pilotis
Due to the limited land, the ground floor, excluding the stairwell, is mostly dedicated to statutory parking, making pilotis a natural structural choice for small buildings. This project critically examines the harmony between the pilotis structure supporting seven stories above ground and the upper building, ensuring a seamless blend. Inspired by Seongsu-dong’s overpass structures, the pilotis was designed as two large arches, with the upper floors’ façade integrated as if growing from these structures. The pilotis floor was finished with red bricks, tying the building to the ground organically. This arch-shaped pilotis transforms into a new pedestrian experience, linking the major road to previously inaccessible back streets.

Simplifying Complexity through Pattern and Texture Variation
Seongsu-dong is a tapestry of industrial, commercial, and residential buildings accumulated over time, currently experiencing an overload of urban landscape due to the influx of unique commercial spaces attracted by the area’s vibrant community. Philome Building adds to this environment with its mix of commercial spaces and diverse residential types, including rental studios and two different types of owner-occupied residences. The goal was to simplify the complexity created by diversity, introducing a margin in the saturated urban landscape. The building’s design harmonizes around the motif of arches, tailored to the programmatic needs, using common Seongsu-dong red bricks and contrasting fine details with two different textures to create distinction within simplicity.



2-4층 상업시설
6층 응접실
7층 응접실
주거 창호 디테일


필로미 빌딩
설계자 | 김미희 · 고석홍  _ 소수 건축사사무소
건축주 | 비공개
감리자 | 소수 건축사사무소
시공사 | (주)쓰리스퀘어 종합건설
설계팀 | 황예슬, 김병준
대지위치 | 서울특별시 성동구 성수동2가
주요용도 | 근린생활시설, 다가구주택
대지면적 | 142.57㎡
건축면적 | 85.52㎡
연면적 | 587.23㎡
건폐율 | 59.98%
용적률 | 351.80%
규모 | B1F - 7F
구조 | 철근콘크리트구조
외부마감재 | 치장벽돌쌓기
내부마감재 | 바닥 - 콘크리트 폴리싱 위 표면강화제 벽·천장 - 석고보드 위 지정 도장
설계기간 | 2020. 10 – 2021. 08
공사기간 | 2021. 09 – 2022. 12
사진 | 노경
 구조분야 | 한길구조엔지니어링
 기계설비분야 | (주)건양엠이씨
 전기분야 | (주)극동파워테크
 소방분야 | (주)삼우엠이씨
Fillome bldg.
Architect | Kim, Mihee · Go, Seokhong _  SOSU Architects
Client | Private
Supervisor | SOSU Architects
Construction | Three square Construction Co., Ltd.
Project team | Hwang, Yeseul / Kim, Byeongjun
Location | Seongsudong-2ga, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Korea
Program | Commercial facility, Multi-family housing
Site area | 142.57㎡
Building area | 85.52㎡
Gross floor area | 587.23㎡
Building to land ratio | 59.98%
Floor area ratio | 351.80%
Building scope | B1F - 7F
Structure | RC
Exterior finishing | Brick
Interior finishing | 
Floor - Surface hardener on concrete polishing 
Wall·ceiling - Designated painting on gypsum board
Design period | Oct. 2020 – Aug. 2021
Construction period | Sep. 2021 – Dec. 2022
Photograph | Roh, Gyeong
Structural engineer | Hangil Structural Engineering Co., Ltd.
Mechanical engineer | Geonyang Mec Co., Ltd.
Electrical engineer | Keukdong Power Tech Co., Ltd.
Fire engineer | Samwoomec Co., Ltd.