회원작품 | Projects/House

온휴(溫休) 2024.8

월간 건축사지 2024. 8. 31. 10:20
On Hue





대지는 부산시 기장읍 대라리에서도 주거지역과 자연녹지지역이 만나는 경계 부근에 위치한다. 부산 중심지에서는 꽤 떨어진 곳이지만, 반대로 기장군 전역으로 보면 부산 도심으로 나가기 용이한 위치적 장점 때문에 많은 공장과 창고들이 주거지역과 한데 어우러져 형성되었다. 하지만 동해남부선 기장역이 개통되어 일대의 대중교통 환경이 개선되며 거주성이 높아지고, 토지가격 상승 등의 이유로 최근 많은 공장과 창고들이 철거되면서 다가구, 다세대 주택과 이에 따른 근린생활시설 등이 속속들이 생겨나고 있다. 이러한 도시의 맥락을 충분히 감안해 작은 규모의 건물이지만 공장과 창고를 대체하는 주거 친화적 분위기의 건축물을 계획하고자 했다.
1층은 건물에 입주할 거주자뿐 아니라 도로를 지나다니는 보행자가 건물과 관계 맺게 되는 시각적 스킨십이 일어나는 공간인 동시에, 건물이 이곳에 단단히 뿌리내리게 함으로써 타임리스한 장소성을 가질 수 있게 만드는 시작점이다. 필로티 주차장을 취할 수밖에 없는 상황이지만, 기둥 수를 최소화하고 상부 매스와 이격하고 다른 성질의 재료를 사용해 상부를 가볍게 받치도록 처리했다. 또한 기하학적 형태를 살려 한 그루의 나무가 땅으로부터 솟아난 듯 견고히 이곳을 움켜쥐도록 계획했다.

개구부_Cheese Eyes
협소한 대지에서의 계단실은 최대한 북측으로 배치되어야 했다. 전용면적을 최대한 확보하기 위해서 공용부의 내·외부 마감을 유로폼 노출콘크리트로 처리해 조금이라도 더 거주자를 위해 쓰이도록 했다. 북측의 계단실은 단순히 수직 이동의 목적만으로 사용되는 어두컴컴한 공간이 되지 않도록 적절한 위치에 자유스러운 형태의 개구부를 뚫어 채광을 확보하고 외부와 시선을 주고받도록 했다. 내력벽 사이의 개구부(Cheese Eyes)는 빛의 관통뿐 아니라 오가는 거주자들이 갑자기 마주쳐 놀랄 수 있는 상황을 사전에 방지하는 ‘눈’으로서의 장치이다.

깊은 풍경
넓지 않은 주택 내에서 공간을 풍성하게 느끼기 위해 시선이 멀리 뻗어 나갈 수 있는 동-서축을 형성했다. 집의 내부로 들어오면 복도를 통한 깊이 있는 공간을 볼 수 있고, 반대로 나갈 때도 현관에 위치한 창을 통해 서측의 먼 곳을 바라볼 수 있다. 이 축을 기준으로 남측은 밝은 공간이 필요한 안방과 거실, 식탁 등이 위치하도록 배치했다. 북측은 기능적인 드레스룸, 화장실, 주방 등을 배치해 빛에 의해 공간이 좀 더 명확히 규정될 수 있도록 했다.

북측 일조권 사선제한을 최대한 활용하고자 사선 하부의 자투리 공간을 세면대와 작은 싱크 공간으로 계획해 공간 활용성을 극대화했다. 또 북측 1:2 각도의 사선에 대응하는 남측 사선을 맞대어 어긋난 각도의 박공을 만들면서 동시에 내부의 용마루는 완만하게 휘어잡았다. 이는 외부 디자인 어휘를 최대한 내부까지 유지해 ‘온휴’라는 이름에 걸맞은 따스한 휴식이 가능한 곡면, 즉 온곡(溫曲)의 공간이 될 것이다.

자유로운 형태와 생경함
기능적인 구성은 갖춘 채 그 틀 안에서 자유곡선과 자유로운 개구부를 내어 유쾌한 동시에 생경한 얼굴을 만들었다. 다양한 표정이 주는 생경함은 시간이 지날수록 주변과의 관계 맺기를 통해 점차 녹아들며 익숙해질 것이다. 이 건물이 일대의 따뜻한 공간을 선도하는 마중물이 되기를 바란다.




남서측 전경


The site is located at the boundary where residential areas meet natural green spaces in Daera-ri, Gijang-eup, Busan. Although quite distant from the center of Busan, it benefits from its strategic position within Gijang County, offering easy access to the Busan urban area. Consequently, many factories and warehouses have historically coexisted with residential neighborhoods here. However, with the opening of Gijang Station on the Donghae Nambu Line, public transportation has improved, enhancing the livability of the area. This, along with rising land prices, has led to the demolition of many factories and warehouses, making way for multi-family and multi-unit housing and accompanying neighborhood facilities. Considering this urban context, we aimed to design a small-scale building that fosters a residential-friendly atmosphere, replacing the industrial structures.

Rooting Down
The first floor serves not only as a space for the residents but also as a point of visual interaction for pedestrians passing by, allowing the building to establish a strong presence in the area. Although a piloti parking structure was necessary, we minimized the number of columns, separated the upper mass, and used different materials to give the upper structure a lighter appearance. By emphasizing geometric forms, we aimed to make the building appear as if a tree had sprouted from the ground, firmly rooting itself in the landscape.

Openings - Cheese Eyes
In the narrow site, the staircase needed to be positioned as far north as possible to maximize the usable area for residents. We treated the interior and exterior finishes of the common areas with exposed euroform concrete, ensuring that as much space as possible was available for the residents. The northern staircase was designed to avoid becoming a dark and purely functional vertical space; instead, we strategically placed freeform openings to allow natural light and visual connections with the outside. These openings (Cheese Eyes) serve not only to let light penetrate but also as visual devices to prevent sudden encounters that might startle residents.

Deep Perspectives
To make the space within the relatively small house feel more expansive, we established an east-west axis to allow views to extend far. Inside the house, one can see deep into the space through the corridor, and looking out from the entrance, there is a view to the distant west. Along this axis, the southern side houses the master bedroom, living room, and dining area, which require bright spaces. The northern side contains functional spaces like the dressing room, bathroom, and kitchen, ensuring that the spaces are clearly defined by light.

Warm Curves (On-gok, 溫曲)
To maximize the use of space under the northward solar access diagonal restriction, we planned to use the leftover space for a sink and a small kitchenette, enhancing spatial efficiency. By juxtaposing the northward 1:2 angled diagonal with the southward diagonal, we created mismatched gables, while the interior ridge was designed with a gentle curve. This maintained the exterior design language within the interior, resulting in a curved space that offers warm relaxation, aptly named On-gok (溫曲).

Freeform and Novelty
Within the functional framework, we incorporated free curves and openings, creating a playful yet unfamiliar façade. The novelty brought by the building’s varied expressions will, over time, blend with its surroundings, establishing a familiar relationship. We hope this building becomes a leading warm space in the area, acting as a catalyst for further development.



2층 복도
4층 복도
3층 거실
4층 베란다





설계자 | 이현승 _ 리얼스페이스 건축사사무소
건축주 | 이성수, 김종숙
감리자 | 허진성 _ 난두루건축사사무소
시공사 | (주)채헌종합건설
대지위치 | 부산광역시 기장군 기장읍 대청로36번길31
주요용도 | 단독주택(다가구주택) + 제2종근린생활시설(사무소)
대지면적 | 148.80㎡
건축면적 | 89.20㎡
연면적 | 257.95㎡
건폐율 | 59.95%
용적률 | 173.35%
규모 | 4F
구조 | 철근콘크리트구조
외부마감재 | 점토벽돌 치장쌓기, 유로폼 노출콘크리트
내부마감재 | 
단독주택 : 벽 - 친환경 수성페인트, 타일 / 바닥 - 강마루 /  천정 - 친환경 수성페인트, 자작나무합판
근생 : 벽 및 천정 - 유로폼 노출콘크리트 / 바닥 - 테라조 타일
설계기간 | 2019. 11 - 2021. 03
공사기간 | 2021. 04 - 2023. 03
사진 | 리얼스페이스 건축사사무소, 박영채
 구조분야 | (주)세움구조엔지니어링
 기계설비분야 | (주)민성엔지니어링
 전기분야 | (주)전기설계 협인
On Hue
Architect | Lee, Hyunseung _ Realspace Architects
Client | Lee, Sungsu / Kim, Jongsuk
Supervisor | Heo, Jinsung _ Nanduru Architects
Construction | ChaeHeon Architecture
Location | 31, Daecheong-ro 36beon-gil, Gijang-eup,  Gijang-gun, Busan, Korea
Program | Single family house, Neighborhood living facilities
Site area | 148.80㎡
Building area | 89.20㎡
Gross floor area | 257.95㎡
Building to land ratio | 59.95%
Floor area ratio | 173.35%
Building scope | 4F
Structure | RC
Exterior finishing | Brick, Exposed concrete
Interior finishing | 
Single family house : Wall - Painting / Floor - Wood floor /  Ceiling -  Painting & Birch Veneer
Neighborhood living facilities(office)
Wall&Ceiling - Exposed Concrete / Floor - Terazzo Tile
Design period | Nov. 2019 - Mar. 2021
Construction period | Apr. 2021 - Mar. 2023
Photograph | Park, Young-Chae / Realspace Architects
Structural engineer | Seum Structural Engineering
Mechanical engineer | Minsung Engineering
Electrical engineer | Hyeob-in  Engineering