회원작품 | Projects/House

더 끌림 2024.10

월간 건축사지 2024. 10. 31. 10:15
The fascination





어머니를 모시고 3대가 오랫동안 함께 거주했던 오래된 주택이 도심지 뒷골목에 자리 잡고 있었다. 건축주는 가족이 보다 편안하고 쾌적한 환경에서 생활할 수 있는 방안과 경제적 안전성을 확보하기 위해 수익을 창출할 수 있는 방안을 함께 찾고 있었다. 30대 가장은 수익창출과 가족 거주라는 두 가지 목적을 달성하는 효율적인 건축방식으로, 기존에 살던 집을 철거하고 이곳에 상가시설과 다가구주택이 함께 있는 수익형 부동산을 건축하기로 결심했다.  
1층부터 4층까지는 상가 및 임대용 주택으로 활용해 수익을 창출하고, 5층은 가족이 거주할 주택으로 설계해 경제적인 안정과 가족의 주거 환경을 동시에 개선할 수 있길 원했다. 1층 상가는 가족 한 분이 마카롱 가게를 열 예정이라 사람들의 시선을 머무를 수 있게 하는 디자인이 필요했다.

기존 주택을 방문했을 때 어린 두 아이들이 뛰놀며 들려주었던 유쾌한 웃음소리와, 요즘 보기 드문 3대 가족의 생활 흔적이 뇌리에 깊게 남아 있었다. 새로운 건물이 들어서더라도 가족이 지금까지 함께 살아왔던 이곳에서의 기억의 흔적은 놓치고 싶지 않았기에, 그들의 삶을 함께 담기로 했다. 이 가족에게 누구보다도 더 행복한 삶의 터전을 선사해 주고 싶었기에 내 집을 설계한다는 마음으로 설계를 시작하게 되었다.  

먼저, 상가주택이기에 상가와 주택의 동선을 철저히 분리해 거주공간의 프라이버시와 쾌적함을 유지하는 것과 동시에, 뒷골목에 위치해 있기 때문에 건물의 존재감을 알릴 수 있는 디자인을 하는 것이 계획의 우선이었다.

작은 대지이지만, 작은 공간에서 더 넓게 공간을 사용할 수 있는 데에 포커스를 두었기에 확장형 발코니를 최대로 설계했다. 가족이 사는 거실은 주방과 거실을 하나의 오픈 형태로 설계해 시각적으로 넓고 개방된 느낌을 주는 공간의 확장성이 느껴지도록 했다. 그리고 아이들이 밝게 뛰어노는 모습과 온 가족이 담소를 나누는 것을 상상해 보았다. 머릿속에 그려진 상상은 가족만을 위한 힐링 공간 설계로 이어졌고, 그 결과물은 5층의 주택 공간이 다락으로 연결되고 다락 앞에서는 옥외 마당으로 연계해 상가주택이지만 단독주택에서 느낄 수 있는 풍경과 여유를 제공하여 도심 속에서 자연과 교감할 수 있는 공간을 마련했다. 
평면계획은 한 번에 만족하지 않고 작은 대지에서 최대한의 공간 활용을 위해 많은 시간을 들여 끊임없이 발전시켰다. 사실 어느 정도 설계안이 나왔을 때 거기서 만족할 수도 있었으나, 설계자와 건축주 자제분의 설계에 대한 욕심이 그 누구보다도 강했기에 건축주와 함께 고민하고 협력해 서로의 의견을 반영하면서 점진적으로 더 나은 설계를 만들어 나갔다. 열정과 열정이 만들어낸 시너지 효과는 0.1%의 숨은 공간까지 다 찾아서 공간에 반영해 최적의 평면공간을 완성했다. 평면설계에 굉장히 많은 시간을 들인 결과, 마지막에는 공간의 효율성과 확장성을 제대로 구현해 죽은 공간이 하나도 없는 최적의 평면계획안을 최종 도출할 수 있었다.   

부지가 워낙 작아서 1층에 법적 주차 대수를 만족하는 주차공간에 상점까지 넣기에는 충분하지 않은 상황이었다. 배치 대안을 정말 다양하게 검토한 결과, 조건을 만족하는 가장 효율적인 배치를 하게 되었다. 작은 땅에서 최대의 면적 확보가 관건이었기에 확장형 발코니 설계로 실내공간을 최대로 넓게 사용할 수 있도록 했고, 숨은 공간을 활용해 작은 대지의 한계를 극복하고자 했다. 그 결과 연면적은 약 311제곱미터(94평)지만 실사용면적은 533제곱미터(161평)로, 최대치로 설계하는데 성공했다. 이렇게 해서 각각의 영역을 존중하면서 함께 공존하는 상가주택이 완성됐다. 

이 상가주택은 두 아이의 아빠이자, 어머니를 모시는 아들이 3대 가족 모두가 함께 거주할 수 있는 새로운 보금자리를 만들고자 하는 데서 출발했고, 작은 대지의 제약을 극복해 작은 공간에서 효율성을 극대화하고 가족의 삶을 담아 가족 모두가 행복을 느낄 수 있는 공간으로 자리 잡게 되었다. 



북측 전경
서측 전경


An old house, where three generations had lived together for a long time with the homeowner’s mother, was situated in a back alley of the city. The homeowner sought a solution that would provide the family with a more comfortable and pleasant living environment, while also ensuring economic stability. As a father in his 30s, he aimed to achieve both income generation and family residence. To accomplish this, he decided to demolish the existing home and construct a mixed-use building with both commercial facilities and multi-family residences on the same site, turning it into a profitable real estate property. 
From the first to the fourth floor, the building was designed to generate income through commercial spaces and rental housing, while the fifth floor was designated as the family’s residence. This setup aimed to provide both economic stability and an improved living environment for the family. The first-floor commercial space was intended for one family member to open a macaron shop, so the design needed to capture attention and draw people in. 

When I visited the old house, the joyful laughter of the two young children playing and the rare traces of three generations living together left a deep impression on me. Even with a new building going up, I didn’t want to lose the memories and essence of the life they had lived here together, so I decided to incorporate those elements into the design. Wanting to provide this family with a home that would bring them even more happiness, I approached the design as if I were creating a home for myself. 

First, since this is a mixed-use building with both commercial and residential spaces, it was essential to thoroughly separate the circulation paths for the commercial and residential areas to maintain privacy and comfort in the living spaces. At the same time, because the building is located in a back alley, it was a priority to design it in a way that would give the building a strong presence and make it noticeable. 

Although the plot was small, the focus was on maximizing the use of space, so I designed the largest possible expandable balconies. The family’s living room was created as an open space, connecting the kitchen and living area, giving it a visually larger and more open feel. I imagined the children playing happily and the entire family gathering and chatting together. This vision led to a design centered on creating a healing space just for the family. As a result, the fifth-floor living space connects to an attic, which in turn opens to an outdoor terrace. Despite being a mixed-use building, this design offers the feel of a detached house, providing a serene environment where the family can interact with nature, even in the midst of the city. 

The floor plan wasn't finalized in one go; instead, we spent a great deal of time continuously refining it to maximize space usage on the small plot. While we could have settled on the design at a certain stage, both the architect and the client’s family member had a strong passion for the project. This led to a collaborative process where we constantly discussed, refined, and incorporated each other's ideas to gradually improve the design. The synergy created by this shared dedication helped us uncover and utilize even the smallest hidden spaces, resulting in an optimized layout. After investing a significant amount of time in the floor plan, we were able to fully realize its efficiency and expandability, achieving a final layout with no wasted space. 

The plot was so small that it was insufficient to accommodate both the required legal parking spaces and a shop on the first floor. After thoroughly exploring a wide range of layout alternatives, we arrived at the most efficient solution that met all the necessary conditions. Maximizing the usable area on the small site was key, so we designed expandable balconies to make the interior space as large as possible. By cleverly utilizing hidden spaces, we overcame the limitations of the small plot. As a result, while the total floor area is approximately 311 square meters (94 pyeong), the actual usable area was expanded to 533 square meters (161 pyeong), successfully maximizing the available space. This approach led to the creation of a mixed-use building that respects and balances each functional area while allowing them to coexist harmoniously. 

This mixed-use building began with the vision of a father of two and a devoted son caring for his mother, aiming to create a new home where three generations could live together. Overcoming the limitations of the small plot, the project focused on maximizing efficiency within a compact space. The result is a home that not only addresses the practical needs of the family but also serves as a place where every family member can experience happiness and fulfillment. 



5층 주인세대 거실
아일랜드주방과 다용도실



더 끌림
설계자 | 김진선 _ 터인스 건축사사무소
건축주 | 황순희
감리자 | (주)유호건축사사무소
시공사 | 기찬종합건설(주)
설계의도 구현 | 터인스 건축사사무소 
대지위치 | 서울특별시 영등포구 신풍로25길 15-11
주요용도 | 다가구주택 / 근린생활시설 (상가주택)
대지면적 | 156.28㎡
건축면적 | 93.75㎡
연면적 | 311.64㎡
건폐율 | 59.99%
용적률 | 199.41%
규모 | 5F
구조 | 철근콘크리트구조
외부마감재 | 외벽 - 벽돌타일 / 지붕 - 징크 
내부마감재 | 친환경수성페인트, 폴리싱타일, 강마루
설계기간 | 2022. 10 – 2023. 04
공사기간 | 2023. 07 – 2024. 04
사진 | 정종효 / 하우빌드
 구조분야 | SH구조엔지니어링(주)
 기계설비·전기․소방분야 | (주)태영이엠씨
The fascination
Architect | Kim, Jin Sun _ Terins Architecture
Client | Hwang, Soon Hee
Supervisor | Yuho Architects
Construction | Kichan construction
Design intention realization | Terins Architecture
Location | 15-11 Sinpung-ro 25-gil, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, korea
Program | 
Multi-family house / Neighborhood facilities
Site area | 156.28㎡
Building area | 93.75㎡
Gross floor area | 311.64㎡
Building to land ratio | 59.99%
Floor area ratio | 199.41%
Building scope | 5F
Structure | RC
Exterior finishing | Wall - Brick tile / Roof - Zink
Interior finishing | Eco Water paint, Polishing tile, wooden floor
Design period | Oct. 2022 – Apr. 2023
Construction period | Jul. 2023 – Apr. 2024
Photograph | Jung, Jong Hyo / Howbuild
Structural engineer | 
SH Structural Engineering Co., Ltd
Mechanical·Electrical·Fire engineer |