회원작품 | Projects/House

블랙 래빗 하우스 2024.10

월간 건축사지 2024. 10. 31. 10:25
Black Rabbit House





‘블랙 래빗 하우스(Black Rabbit House)’는 다른 필지에 비해 낮은 대지 레벨을 올리는 것으로부터 시작됐다. 개발행위가 포함된 경우 한번 허가받은 대지의 레벨을 변경하는 것은 쉽지 않다. 해당 필지의 레벨이 낮다는 것을 증명하기 위해 단지 전체를 모델링하고 협의한 결과 넓은 6미터 도로에서 차량이 진입할 수 있게 됐고, 지하 공간을 효율적으로 활용할 수 있는 층고도 확보할 수 있었다. 아울러 지하 옹벽과 지상 1층 사이 가로로 긴 오목한 부분은 단순히 외관을 위한 것이 아니고, 건물의 지상 부분을 도로에 최대한 붙여 안마당을 조금이라도 더 확보하기 위한 노력에 의해 만들어진 형상이다.
​단독주택이 가지고 있어야 할 기본적인 세 가지는 마당과 맞춤형 공간, 그리고 감성이다. 블랙 래빗 하우스는 대지 주변환경과 마당, 내부공간의 적절한 열고 닫음, 취미실과 가족실 등 커뮤니티 공간, 지하홀, 자녀 파우더룸, 열린 다락 등 전이적 공간을 통한 교감과 활동으로 감성이 충만한 삶을 누릴 수 있는 공간이 되도록 노력했다.

​4개의 마당 - 서로를 잇는 매개체​​
단독주택에는 가족의 다양한 바깥활동을 담을 수 있는 마당이 필요하다. 블랙 래빗 하우스에는 안마당, 중정마당, 선큰마당, 다락마당 총 4개의 마당이 있다. 모든 마당은 실내공간과 연계해 사용되도록 만들어져 외부의 자연과 각 실내 공간이 시선적, 물리적으로 잘 연결된다. 특히 지하의 중정마당은 크지 않지만 주차장·현관·안방·파우더룸에 빛과 바람을 연결하며, 각 공간이 서로 소통할 수 있는 매개가 된다.


맞춤형 공간
집 속의 또 하나의 집, 안방_누구의 공간이며 어떤 공간이어야 하는가? 하는 물음에서 시작했다. 최소한 안방은 하나의 독립된 집처럼 만들고 싶었다. 주된 기능은 부부의 ‘휴식’으로, 걸맞은 분위기를 가지고 있어야 한다고 생각했다. 전용의 정적인 마당을 통해 들어오는 은은한 빛과 바람, 그리고 나무를 바라보며 시간을 느낄 수 있다. 중정을 통해 마당, 거실주방, 현관을 바라볼 수 있다.

자연을 느끼고 실루엣으로 가족을 먼저 만나는 현관_지하공간에 마련된 현관이지만 마당의 중정으로부터 들어오는 빛과 나무로부터 시간과 계절의 변화를 느낄 수 있다. 현관을 통해 마당에서 노는 아이들을 관찰할 수도 있다. 가족에게 밝은 기운을 주기 충분한 현관이다.
가족을 위한 중심공간인 1층 식당·주방_가족을 향한 엄마의 마음과 그런 아내를 위한 남편의 마음이 담긴 공간이다. 근래 들어 가족의 중심 공간은 거실에서 식당으로 많이 옮겨왔다. 가족 모두가 빈번하게 사용하는 공간이자 기능적·동선적 편리함이 필수적인 공간으로, 편리하게 사용할 수 있도록 충분한 수납공간, 다용도실, 세탁실, 화장실을 함께 두었다. 엄마는 마당에서 즐겁게 노는 아이들을 바라보며, 2층 가족실에서 공부하는 아이들을 보며 즐거운 마음으로 먹을 것을 챙길 수 있다. 그리고 가끔 마당의 나무를 보고 바람을 느끼며 커피 한 잔의 여유를 만끽하거나 친구와의 수다를 즐길 수 있는 공간이다.

사색과 활동 공간, 1층 거실_거실은 마당과 아이들, 그리고 그 너머의 작은 숲을 보며 날씨와 시간을 느끼는 공간이다. 요가 등 엄마 중심의 다양한 활동이 자연스럽게 이루어지며, 아이들과 소통한다.

시선이 모이는 곳, 2층 가족실_개개인의 독자적 사색을 위한 공간, 생각과 취향을 담을 수 있는 공간이다. 2층 가족실은 딸들 중심의 커뮤니티 공간으로 거실, 마당, 다락, 다락마당 등 내·외부 공간으로부터 자연스럽게 시선이 연결된다. 자녀들은 이곳에서 이야기를 나누거나 책을 읽고, 공부하고, 친구도 초대할 것이다. 범용적인 가족실이라기보다는 다락, 다락마당, 마당과 연계된 자녀세대를 위한 ‘세대공감실’이라고 할 수 있다.

두 딸을 위한 널찍한 파우더룸과 화장실_가끔 안방에만 별도의 화장실이 있는 데 의문을 갖고, 가족구성원 개개인의 모든 공간에 화장실과 파우더룸, 드레스룸, 마당까지 만들어주고 싶다는 생각을 늘 한다. 하지만 자원과 공간은 한정되어 있다. 그래서 건축주의 두 딸의 방으로 들어가는 복도 공간을 넓혀 공동 파우더룸과 샤워가 가능한 화장실을 만들었다. 2층은 화장실이 두 개이기에 서로 편하게 사용 가능하다. 먼 훗날 파우더룸이 두 딸이 서로를 마주하고 이야기하며 웃던 기억의 장소가 되길 바란다.



외부 전경


The “Black Rabbit House” project began by addressing the challenge of raising the site’s relatively low ground level compared to neighboring plots. Adjusting the level of a site, especially when it involves development activities, is not an easy task once the initial permit has been granted. To prove the necessity of raising the plot’s level, a model of the entire complex was created and reviewed. This effort resulted in securing vehicle access from a wide 6-meter road and achieving adequate ceiling height to efficiently utilize the underground space. Additionally, the long, recessed section between the underground retaining wall and the first floor of the building wasn’t just for aesthetic purposes. It was designed to push the building’s above-ground portion closer to the road, allowing for the maximum possible space in the inner courtyard.
A single-family home should ideally have three essential elements: a yard, customized spaces, and a sense of emotional warmth. The Black Rabbit House was designed to provide a space where one can enjoy an emotionally rich life by creating a balance between the surrounding environment, the yard, and the thoughtful opening and closing of interior spaces. It incorporates community areas such as a hobby room and family room, along with transitional spaces like an underground hall, children’s powder room, and an open attic, encouraging interaction and activity throughout the home.

Four Courtyards - Connecting Spaces
A single-family home needs a yard to accommodate various outdoor activities for the family. The Black Rabbit House features four courtyards: the inner courtyard, central courtyard, sunken courtyard, and attic courtyard. Each courtyard is designed to be closely connected to the interior spaces, allowing for a seamless visual and physical interaction between the outdoors and indoors. The sunken courtyard, though not large, serves as a crucial mediator, bringing light and air to the parking area, entrance, master bedroom, and powder room, enabling communication between these spaces.

Customized Space
The master bedroom, envisioned as “a house within a house,” began with the question: Whose space is it, and what should it be? The goal was to design the master bedroom as a self-contained, independent space. Its primary function is to provide rest for the couple, and thus it needed to have a fitting atmosphere. Gentle light, breezes, and views of trees enter through a dedicated, serene courtyard, allowing time to slow down. Through the central courtyard, one can also enjoy views of the yard, living room, kitchen, and entrance.

Although the entrance is located in the basement, it is designed to let in light and nature from the courtyard. Through this space, one can sense the passage of time and seasonal changes from the light and trees in the central courtyard. It also allows a view of children playing in the yard, making it a welcoming and vibrant entrance that brings a sense of brightness and connection to the family.

The dining room and kitchen on the first floor serve as the central space for the family, reflecting the care of a mother for her family and the support of her husband for her. In recent years, the family’s central gathering space has shifted from the living room to the dining area. This space, frequently used by the entire family, emphasizes functional and practical convenience. It includes ample storage, a utility room, a laundry room, and a bathroom to enhance usability. The mother can enjoy watching her children play happily in the yard, or see them studying in the family room on the second floor, while she prepares meals with joy. It’s also a place where she can occasionally gaze at the trees in the yard, feel the breeze, and savor a cup of coffee or chat with friends.

The living room on the first floor is a space for reflection and activity. It offers views of the yard, the children, and a small forest beyond, allowing one to feel the changes in weather and time. It is a natural setting for activities centered around the mother, such as yoga, while also serving as a space for communication with the children.

The family room on the second floor is a space for individual reflection, where each family member can express their thoughts and tastes. This room, centered around the daughters, serves as a community space where their gaze naturally connects to the living room, yard, attic, and attic courtyard, both inside and outside the house. Here, the children can talk, read, study, or invite friends over. Rather than a typical family room, this space can be described as a “generation-sharing room,” closely linked to the attic, attic courtyard, and yard, designed specifically for the younger generation.

A spacious powder room and bathroom for the two daughters. Often, there’s a question about why only the master bedroom has a separate bathroom. There’s always a desire to provide every family member with their own bathroom, powder room, dressing room, and even a yard. However, resources and space are limited. Therefore, the hallway leading to the daughters’ rooms was expanded to include a shared powder room and a bathroom with a shower. The second floor has two bathrooms, allowing them to be used comfortably. The hope is that, in the future, the powder room will become a place filled with memories of the two daughters facing each other, talking, and laughing together.






블랙 래빗 하우스
설계자 | 장세환  _ 제이앤피플 건축사사무소
건축주 | 손유현
감리자 | 장세환 _ 제이앤피플 건축사사무소
설계팀 | 인성희
대지위치 | 경기도 용인시 기흥구 영덕동 석현로 17-11
주요용도 | 단독주택
대지면적 | 199.00㎡
건축면적 | 97.64㎡
연면적 | 310.85㎡
건폐율 | 49.07%
용적률 | 85.82%
규모 | B1F - 2F
구조 | 철근콘크리트구조
외부마감재 | 점토벽돌(블랙) 치장쌓기
내부마감재 | 원목마루, 포슬린타일, 도장
설계기간 | 2022. 02 - 2022. 11
공사기간 | 2022. 12 - 2024. 03
사진 | 김용성
Black Rabbit House
Architect | Jang, Se Hwan _ JNPeople Architects
Client | Son, Yu Hyun
Supervisor | Jang, Se Hwan _ JNPeople Architects
Project team | In, Sung Hee
Location | 17-11, Seokhyeon-ro, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Program | Single family house
Site area | 199.00㎡
Building area | 97.64㎡
Gross floor area | 310.85㎡
Building to land ratio | 49.07%
Floor area ratio | 85.82%
Building scope | B1F - 2F
Structure | RC
Exterior finishing | Clay brick
Interior finishing | Porcelain tile, Wood floor, Paint
Design period | Feb. 2022 - Nov. 2022
Construction period | Dec. 2022 - Mar. 2024
Photograph | Kim, Yong Sung