회원작품 | Projects/House

서울 e편한세상 어반브릿지 2025.2

월간 건축사지 2025. 2. 28. 10:35
Seoul e-pyunhansesang Urban Bridge





‘서울 e편한세상 어반브릿지’는 2019년 서울시 고덕강일 10블록 공동주택 설계공모 당선작으로 4년 후인 2024년 2월에 준공된 593세대 공동주택아파트이다. 한국주거도시사에서 개발의 시대를 대표하는 한국형 아파트는 선도적인 공동주거건축으로 큰 역할을 해왔으나, 천편일률적인 주거단지로 확장, 재생산되는 폐해를 안고 있다. 그중에서도 공동주택의 폐쇄적 단지로 인한 도시 소통의 단절, 편의성만 강조된 구조로 인한 세대 간의 소통의 단절은 도시가 기본적으로 해결해야 할 공동성과 대치된다. 고덕강일 10블록은 이러한 폐해를 선도적으로 줄여보고자 서울시에서 변혁의 의지를 갖고 시행한 건축 설계공모에 당선된 특별건축계획구역 공동주택 아파트이다. 

서울 e편한세상 고덕 어반브릿지는 공동주거의 사회적 역할론에서 출발했다. 공동주택이 도시에서 가져야 할 ‘공동성의 역할’과 장소적 특정성이 지니는 ‘도시와 단지의 연결성’, ‘다채로운 개개인의 삶에 대응하는 차이의 복합체’로서 고유한 정체성을 지니는 ‘저층+중층+고층 입체적인 공동주택’이다. 

먼저 도시와 연결, 입체적인 도시 풍경 형성, 균형 있는 주동 밀도 구성을 위해 세밀한 주동계획과정의 구축방법을 도출했다. 게이티드 커뮤니티를 타개할 ‘느슨한 경계’, 즉 도시의 경계를 블록 안으로 자연스럽게 스며들게 하기 위해 경계부에 저층형의 공동주택을 배치해 위요된 작은 외부공간들을 끌어냈다. 이는 주동에 의한 도시 풍경을 낳고 새로운 생활가로로 연결된다. 이 작은 위요된 공간들은 다시 다양한 필로티 하부로 연결되어 블록 내로 도시민의 흐름을 선택적으로 들인다. 이는 여러 켜로 주동이 만드는 또 다른 스케일의 외부공간으로 열린 도시와 안정적으로 만나는 방법으로 고안됐다. 

중앙 공공보행통로의 폭을 확장해 단순히 목적적 보행통로를 넘어 다양한 속도를 품은 공원형 보행가로로 전환했다. 이는 하남시의 생태축과 솔뜨락 공원까지 연결하는 도시의 산책로이자 단지 내 센트럴 파크가 된다. 이와 직교로 만나는 복합형 주동시스템에 의해 구성된 지하부터 지상으로 연결된 입체적 중앙광장은 주민들의 공동체 의식을 자연스럽게 만드는 외부공간이다. 연결주동(Linkage Units)으로부터 나온 공유플랫폼(Common Platform)은 주민들의 다양한 선택적 자유에 대응하며 사람들의 일상에 자기만의 길과 장소를 제공한다. 이러한 주동계획과정으로부터 도출된 23타입의 평면유닛은 현대인의 다채로운 삶을 적극적으로 대응할 수 있게 했다.

이 새로운 형식의 공동주택 계획은 여러 심의 과정뿐 아니라 시공성에서 한국의 기존 아파트 시공방식과 충돌하며 어려움이 많았으나 건축사사무소, 시행사, 시공사의 의지와 더불어 무사히 의도하던 계획이 구현됐다. 기존에 늘 보아왔던 방식이 아닌 아파트 단지에 입주자들의 반감에 대한 우려가 마지막 숙제였으나, 준공 후 구현된 적절한 휴먼스케일의 공간감이 주는 평안함과 경관을 고려한 저층, 중층, 고층의 복합체가 만드는 다양한 외부공간과 뷰를 제공하는 아파트로 “아파트가 아닌 마치 리조트에 와 있는 기분이 든다”는 평과 더불어 “유럽이나 뉴욕 맨하튼의 도시형 공동주택의 느낌이 든다”는 평을 받았다. 거주자들의 새로운 형식의 아파트 대한 기대 이상의 수용과 기존 아파트 시공방식을 넘어서는 해결안으로 기존 한국공동주택 유형인 ‘한국형 아파트’라는 큰 산을 하나 넘은 듯하다.

이 사례가 한국의 모든 공동주거의 해법에 적용되지는 않을 것이다. 그러나 그러하기에 지금 우리 시대가 요구하는 다양한 정체성을 가진 공동주거의 해법이 될 수 있다. 공동주거의 도시에 대한 ‘사회적 역할론으로서의 접근’은 그동안의 한국형 아파트의 해법이 잃어버린 공동체와 소통의 단절, 도시디자인에 대한 책임을 해결하는 초석이다. ‘서울 e편한세상 어반브릿지’가 환경적 특징이 가진 잠재성을 읽어 그곳만의 장소의 특정성이 부여된 공동주거로 현대사회의 다양한 삶에 대응하고, 주민에 의해 만들어지는 다채로운 장소를 생산하는 살아있는 도시 풍경을 만들어 낼 것으로 기대한다.



저층형 주동 전경
중앙파크 애비뉴
공공보행통로에서 본 파크 애비뉴 전경
선큰에서부터 계단 광장까지 이어지는 센트럴 파크


Seoul e-Pyeonhansesang Urban Bridge is a 593-unit apartment complex that won the 2019 Seoul Godeok Gangil 10 Block Apartment Housing Design Competition and was completed four years later, in February 2024. Korean-style apartment buildings, which symbolize the development era in Korea’s urban housing history, have played a pivotal role in shaping communal housing. However, they have often been criticized for expanding and reproducing as monotonous residential complexes. 
Notably, the isolation caused by closed-off apartment complexes and the lack of intergenerational interaction stemming from convenience-focused designs conflict with the fundamental communal qualities cities should foster. The Godeok Gangil 10 Block is part of a special planning district. Its design was selected through an architectural competition hosted by the Seoul Metropolitan Government, aiming to proactively mitigate these negative effects and drive transformation. 

The Seoul e-Pyeonhansesang Godeok Urban Bridge was conceived based on the social role theory of apartment housing. It is a three-dimensional residential complex combining low-rise, mid-rise, and high-rise units. This unique design incorporates the “role of commonness” that apartment housing should have in urban areas, the “connectivity between the city and the complex,” and the “complexity of differences” that reflects diverse individual lifestyles.

To achieve these goals, a detailed unit planning process was developed to integrate the complex with the city, form a three-dimensional urban landscape, and maintain balanced density among the buildings. Low-rise apartments were strategically placed along the boundary to create small, enclosed outdoor spaces. These spaces help establish “loose boundaries,” allowing the city to seamlessly blend into the block and overcome the isolation of gated communities. This approach generates an urban landscape linked to new pedestrian streets, while the enclosed spaces connect to various pilotis, selectively inviting urban dwellers into the complex.

Additionally, the central pedestrian walkway was designed to be wider, transforming it from a functional path into a park-like space that accommodates various speeds and activities. This walkway connects the ecological axis of Hanam City and Soltteurak Park while serving as a central park within the complex. The three-dimensional central plaza, designed as part of a complex unit system, seamlessly links underground spaces to the ground level, naturally fostering a sense of community among residents. The shared platform, derived from linkage units, provides personalized paths and places for residents, enhancing their daily lives. Furthermore, the 23 unique unit types developed in this process cater to the diverse lifestyles of modern residents.

This innovative apartment design faced many challenges during the deliberation stages and construction process, as it conflicted with Korea’s traditional apartment construction methods. However, thanks to the dedication of the design team, developers, and builders, the project successfully realized its original vision. Initial concerns about residents’ resistance to this unconventional design were alleviated after completion. The complex has received positive feedback for its thoughtful human-scale spaces and diverse outdoor areas created by the combination of low-rise, mid-rise, and high-rise structures. Residents have described the apartments as “feeling like a resort rather than an apartment” and “reminiscent of urban housing in Europe or Manhattan, New York.”

While this case may not provide a one-size-fits-all solution for all apartment housing in Korea, it offers a promising model for creating residential complexes with diverse identities that meet the demands of our time. The “social role theory” approach to apartment housing serves as a cornerstone for addressing the loss of community and communication, as well as the lack of responsibility in urban design, which have plagued conventional Korean-style apartments.
We hope that the Seoul e-Pyeonhansesang Urban Bridge, by harnessing the potential of its environmental characteristics and embedding a sense of place, will respond to the diverse lives of modern residents and create a vibrant urban landscape filled with unique spaces shaped by its inhabitants.



어린이 놀이터
공유소(열린 외부 공유공간)



서울 e편한세상 어반브릿지
설계자 | 양희범  _ (주)시아플랜 건축사사무소, 전이서 _ (주)전아키텍츠 건축사사무소
건축주 | (주)고덕강일10피에프브이
감리자 | 명광엔지니어링
시공사 | DL E&C
설계팀 | 
이윤창, 최정수, 손용완, 이한영, 김한슬 _ (주)시아플랜 건축사사무소
김자영, 김지수, 려수진, 장필규 _ (주)전아키텍츠 건축사사무소
설계의도 구현 | (주)시아플랜 건축사사무소 + (주)전아키텍츠 건축사사무소
대지위치 | 서울특별시 강동구 고덕로98길 75
주요용도 | 공동주택
대지면적 | 35,321.00㎡
건축면적 | 10,694.67㎡
연면적 | 105,461.52㎡
건폐율 | 30.28%
용적률 | 201.99%
규모 | B2F - 27F
구조 | 철근콘크리트구조
외부마감재 | 콘크리트 위 페인트, 치장벽돌, 지정 알루미늄
내부마감재 | 페인트, 지정석재, 벽지, 지정뿜칠, 지정필름
설계기간 | 2019. 10 - 2021. 02
공사기간 | 2021. 06 - 2024. 02
사진 | 홍성준
 구조분야 | (주)창민우구조컨설턴트
 기계설비분야 | (주)삼우엠이피컨설턴트
 전기분야 | (주)더힐이앤씨
 소방분야 | 한방유비스(주)
Seoul e-pyunhansesang Urban Bridge
Architect | Yang, Hee Bum _ SIAPLAN Architecs & Planners, Chun, Yseo _ Chun Architects
Client | Goduk Gangil 10 PFV
Supervisor | MyungGwang ENG.
Construction | DL E&C
Project team | 
Lee, Yoonchang / Choi, Jungsoo / Son, Yongwan /
Lee, Hanyoung / Kim, Hanseul (SIAPLAN)
Kim, Jayoung / Kim, Jisoo / Lyu, Sujin / 
Jang, Pilgyu (Chun Architects)
Design intention realization | 
SIAPLAN Architecs & Planners + Chun Architects
Location | 75, Godeok-ro 98-gil, Gangdong-gu, Seoul, Korea
Program | Apartment complex
Site area | 35,321.00㎡
Building area | 10,694.67㎡
Gross floor area | 105,461.52㎡
Building to land ratio | 30.28%
Floor area ratio | 201.99%
Building scope | B2F - 27F
Structure | RC
Exterior finishing | Paint, Brick, Aluminum, Steel 
Interior finishing | Paint, Wallpaper, Stone, Tile 
Design period | Oct. 2019 – Feb. 2021 
Construction period | Jun. 2021- Feb. 2024. 
Photograph | Hong, Sungjun
Structural engineer | Changminwoo Structure Consertant
Mechanical engineer | Sanwoo MEP consertant
Electrical engineer | The Hill E&C
Fire engineer | HanBang UBS