안빈재(安貧齋) 2024.9

2024. 9. 30. 10:30회원작품 | Projects/House






안빈재(安貧齋)는 안빈낙도에서 뜻을 빌려온 것으로, ‘가난하지만 마음 편한 집’이라는 뜻이다. 평소 무박 산행을 즐기고 아파트 생활의 무료함을 큰 창으로 보이는 나무나 하늘로 달래고 싶었던 부부와 대학생 딸은 직장이 가까운 평택의 구시가지에 집 지을 땅을 장만했다. 대지 주변은 오래된 슬레이트 지붕의 단층 주택으로부터 최근 지어진 5층의 다세대주택까지 다양한 주택의 종류를 한꺼번에 볼 수 있는, 한창 개발이 진행되고 있는 전형적인 구도심이었다. 대지는 약간의 경사가 있었고 왼쪽은 5층의 다세대주택, 오른쪽은 1층 양옥인 남북 방향으로 길쭉한 땅이었다.

주변 땅들의 개발 행태와는 정반대로 부부는 자신들만의 마당을 가진 단독주택을 원했고, 대지는 최대한 활용하되 건축의 면적은 최소화해 다양한 공간을 가진, 마치 한옥과 같은 작은 주택을 짓기로 했다. 이에 따라 건축의 외부공간을 여러 켜로 구성해 장소마다 색다른 공간의 성격을 부여하는 전통건축의 방식을 이용해, 공간을 여러 개로 나누고 각각의 시퀀스를 연결하는 공간을 만들고자 했다. 때마침 다녀온 강릉의 선교장에서의 공간구성과 스케일감을 많이 참고했다. 
먼저 진입부의 주차장은 대문 바깥쪽에 두고 차가 드나들기 쉽게 했고, 주차장 쪽으로 주출입구를 두어 길을 지나는 보행자들로부터 시선을 차단했다. 앞마당은 본격적으로 식물을 키우고 마당을 가꿀 수 있는 정원이 되었다. 대지의 레벨차를 이용해 식당 앞 데크에서 정원을 내려다보게 했다. 식당의 남쪽으로는 목구조의 처마를 길게 내어 여름철 남향의 뜨거운 햇빛을 최대한 차단했고, 비 오는 날 외부에 나와 있을 공간을 마련했다. 

현관을 통해 안으로 들어가면 가장 먼저 주방과 식당이 나온다. 이 집에는 거실이 따로 없고, 주방과 식당이 거실의 역할을 대신한다. 주방과 식당은 건물의 가장 중앙으로 앞마당과 중정의 가운데 있어 한눈에 집안의 모든 곳을 확인할 수 있다. 퇴근 후 세 식구가 함께 무쇠솥에 밥을 지어 먹는 것이 가장 즐거운 시간이라고 한 것처럼, 이 공간이 집의 가장 중요한 공간이다. 식당에는 작은 중정이 연이어 있다. 이 중정은 식당, 복도, 서재(별채)와 모두 연결되며, 외부에서의 시선은 최대한 차단하고 내부에서의 시선은 최대한 모이는 또 하나의 중심공간이다. 작은 중정의 끝에는 별채가 있다. 별채는 서재 공간으로 활용하는데 이번 코로나를 거치며 가족들 각각의 독립된 공간의 필요성으로 인해 생겨난 곳이다. 지금은 조용히 공부하고 사색하는 용도로, 손님이 왔을 때는 손님방으로 활용되는, 두 부부가 꼽는 집안의 가장 핫한 장소이기도 하다. 






Anbinjae is a name borrowed from the phrase “Anbin-nakdo,” meaning “a house that is modest yet peaceful.” The couple, who enjoy overnight hikes and wanted to alleviate the monotony of apartment life by viewing trees and the sky through large windows, purchased land in the old town of Pyeongtaek, close to their workplace. The area around the land was a typical old city center in the midst of development, where one could see a variety of housing types all at once, ranging from single-story houses with old slate roofs to newly built five-story multi-family homes. The land had a slight slope, with a five-story multi-family building on the left and a single-story house on the right, oriented in a long, narrow north-south direction.

Contrary to the development trends of the surrounding lands, the couple wanted a single-family house with their own yard. They decided to build a small house, similar to a hanok, with various spaces, utilizing the land as much as possible while minimizing the building’s footprint. They aimed to create different spaces with distinct characteristics in each layer of the house, connecting them through a sequence, inspired by the spatial composition and scale experienced during a recent visit to Seonkyojang in Gangneung.  First, the parking space was placed outside the main gate, making it easy for cars to come and go, and the main entrance was set up on the side facing the parking lot to block the view of pedestrians passing by. The front yard became a garden where plants could be cultivated and maintained. By using the site’s level difference, a deck in front of the dining area overlooks the garden. To the south of the dining area, a long wooden eave was extended to block the intense sunlight from the south in the summer and to provide a space to be outside when it rains.

Upon entering the house through the front door, the kitchen and dining area are the first spaces encountered. There is no separate living room in this house, as the kitchen and dining area take on that role. Located at the center of the house, these spaces are between the front yard and the inner courtyard, allowing the entire house to be seen at a glance. As the couple mentioned, their favorite time is cooking together in a cast iron pot after work, making this space the most important area of the house. A small inner courtyard is connected to the dining area. This courtyard is linked to the dining room, hallway, and study (separate building), blocking external views while focusing internal attention. At the end of the small courtyard is the separate building, which serves as a study. This space was created due to the need for independent areas during the COVID-19 pandemic and is now used for quiet study and contemplation or as a guest room when visitors arrive, making it one of the couple’s favorite places in the house.



사랑방에서 본 중정
2층 자녀방
사이 공간
다락으로 이어지는 계단



설계자 | 이재혁 _ (주)에이디모베 건축사사무소
감리자 | 이재혁 _ (주)에이디모베 건축사사무소
시공사 | (주)위빌종합건설
설계팀 | 강현보, 김솔비, 이학섭
대지위치 | 경기도 평택시 비전동
주요용도 | 단독주택
대지면적 | 206.45㎡
건축면적 | 97.12㎡
연면적 | 97.64㎡
건폐율 | 47.04%
용적률 | 47.29%
규모 | 2F
구조 | 중목구조+경골목구조
외부마감재 | 
벽 _ STO K1.5 / 지붕 _ THK0.5 칼라강판
창호 _ PVC 시스템창호 + thk43 삼증유리, 
VELUX GPL + thk24 복층유리
내부마감재 | 
바닥 _ thk8 구정마루 / 벽+천장 _ 종이벽지
계단재 _ thk30 오크 집성목+투명 스테인
설계기간 | 2020. 11 - 2021. 07
공사기간 | 2021. 09 - 2022. 02
사진 | 김창묵
 구조분야 | 김각경 _ 두항구조
 기계설비·전기분야 | 김기표 / 유영설비기술연구소 김성률
Architect | Yi, Jaehyuk _ admobe architect
Supervisor | Yi, Jaehyuk _ admobe architect
Construction | 
Project team | 
Kang, Hyunbo / Kim, Solbee / Lee, Haksub
Location | 
Vision-dong, Pyeongtaek-si, Gyeonggi-do Korea
Program | House
Site area | 206.45㎡
Building area | 97.12㎡
Gross floor area | 97.64㎡
Building to land ratio | 47.04%
Floor area ratio | 47.29%
Building scope | 2F
Structure | 
Heavy wood structure+Timber frame structure
Exterior finishing | 
Wall_STO standard K1.5(EIFS) / Roof_Steel sheet
Interior finishing | 
Wood flooring, Wall paper, Laminated wood
Design period | Nov. 2020 - Jul. 2021
Construction period | Sep. 2021 - Feb. 2022
Photograph | Kim, Changmook
Structural engineer | 
Kim, Gakkyung _ Du-hang structure
Mechanical·Electrical engineer | 
Kim, Kipyo / Kim, Sungryul


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