Y2 빌딩 2023.3

2023. 3. 17. 17:30회원작품 | Projects/Neighborhood Facility

Y2 Building


사진작가 최진보

변화하는 주택가 풍경
연희동은 서울의 대표적인 고급 주택가다. 현재는 신촌과 홍대에서 형성된 상권이 확장되면서 주택가의 평온한 분위기 속에 활기찬 상업공간이 다수 형성되며 지역의 분위기가 변화하고 있다. Y2 빌딩은 메인 도로에서 떨어진 언덕에 형성된 주택가에 자리한다. 경사에 따라 층층이 높은 벽과 담으로 둘러싸인 폐쇄적인 주택가였다. 그러나 해당 부지가 경사지 코너라는 점은 골목 초입에서 건물이 인지될 수 있어서 장점이라 할만했다. 건물에 좋은 얼굴 역할을 할 수 있는 요소를 적극적으로 대입한다면, 골목에서부터 사람들을 끌어들일 매력과 주목성을 가질 수 있겠다고 판단했다. 

사람들을 끌어들이는 열린 건물
지하 1층~지상 2층인 Y2 빌딩은 건물 전면에 개방성을 강조하는 디자인 요소를 부여했다. 1층에는 계단과 마당을, 2층에는 테라스, 옥상에는 외부 공간을 건물 전면에 배치해 활기찬 분위기를 부여했다. 진입부인 지하층에는 중정을 두어 깊은 공간에도 빛을 끌어들였다. 밝은색의 벽돌로 건물에 환한 표정을 입혀 인지성과 주목성을 높였다. 베이지색의 벽돌로 환하고 밝은 공간을 만들었으며, 외부로 열린 코너에는 도로에서 곧바로 진입할 수 있는 계단이 개방성을 더욱 강조한다. 메인 계단은 골목과 이어져 동선이 자연스럽게 건물 안으로 이어지게 한다. 계단 중앙에는 시골마을 초입의 정자나무에서 영감을 받아 아기단풍나무를 식재해서 건물에 색채를 부여했다.

숨을 불어주는 동선
지하 1층은 경사진 대지의 고저차로 인해 전면 도로에서 자연스럽게 내부 진입이 가능하다. 건물 뒤쪽의 중정은 땅에 묻힌 지하에 충분한 빛을 주고, 자연 환기의 기능도 한다. 건물 중앙에 계획된 외부계단은 최소동선을 확보하는 기능 외에도 빛과 환기, 그리고 활기찬 사람들의 모습을 외부로 노출하여 건물 전체의 다양한 표정을 만드는 것이 가능해졌다. 

다채로운 표정을 만드는 창
Y2 빌딩의 창문 디자인은 건물에 입체감과 표정을 선사한다. 연희동 주택가가 한눈에 내려다보이는 뷰를 가진 정면부는 통창으로 시원하게 열어주었고, 좁은 도로와 접하고 있어 이웃과 가까운 측면은 창문의 모양을 다채롭게 구성해서 답답함을 해소했다. 1층에는 두 개의 반달 창문을, 2층에는 원형 창문을 내어 공간에 변화를 주었으며, 측면도로에서도 재미난 표정의 건물로 만들었다.


사진작가 최진보


The changing residential landscape
Yeonhui-dong is a representative high-lass residential area in Seoul. Currently, with the expansion of the commercial areas of Sinchon and Hongdae, a lively commercial spaces are formed in calm residential areas, changing the existing atmosphere.  The Y2 building is located in a residential area formed on a hill off the main road.  The area is an enclosed residential area surrounded by high walls and walls along the slope. However, the fact that the site is a corner of a slope was an advantage because the building could be recognized from the entrance of the alley.  It was decided that if the building is actively incorporated with elements that can serve as a good face, it can have charm and attention that will attract people from alleys.

An open building that attracts people
The Y2 building, which has a basement floor and two floors above ground, has a design element that emphasizes openness to the front of the building.  Stairs and a front yard on the first floor, a terrace on the second floor, and an outdoor space on the roof were placed in front of the building to give it a lively atmosphere.  On the basement floor, which is the entrance, a courtyard was placed to attract light into the deep space.  Brightly colored bricks give the building a bright look, increasing awareness and attention. Beige bricks create a bright and warm space, and a staircase that opens directly from the road in the corner that opens to the outside further emphasizes its openness.  The main staircase leads to the alley and naturally leads the flow into the building. In the center of the stairs, inspired by the pavilion tree at the entrance of a rural village, a native maple tree was planted to give the accent color.

Path that breathes
The basement floor can be entered easily from the front road due to the level difference of the sloping site.  The good size of courtyard at the back of the building gives enough light to the basement and also serves as a natural ventilation.  The external staircase planned in the center of the building not only secures the minimum-ength passage, but also exposes light, ventilation, and lively people to the outside, making it possible to create various expressions of the entire building

Windows that creates a colorful expression
The window design of the Y2 building gives the building a three-imensional sense and expression.  The front part, which has a panoramic view of Yeonhui-dong residential area, is opened fully with floor-to-ceiling windows. The side windows that are close to the neighbors because it faces a narrow alley, have a variety of window shapes to relieve the stuffiness.  Two half-moon windows on the first floor and a circular window on the second floor gave a change to the space and made the building look interesting even from the side alley.


남측 전경


계단하부 상세 뷰


1층 내부
1층 내부
2층 내부







Y2 빌딩
설계자 | 정구원 _ 디에이엘건축사사무소
시공사 | 두림인풋, 제이디종합건설
설계팀 | 나예진
대지위치 | 서울특별시 서대문구 연희로11다길 15
주요용도 | 근린생활시설

대지면적 | 548.42㎡
건축면적 | 167.50㎡
연면적 | 548.42㎡
건폐율 | 49.98%
용적률 | 90.94%
규모 | B1F - 2F
구조 | 철근콘크리트구조
외부마감재 | 외벽-벽돌, 바닥-콘크리트폴리싱, 벽-콘크리트면노출,  석고보드위 수성페인트
사진 | 최진보
구조분야 | 허브구조엔지니어링
 기계설비·전기분야 | 선우엔지니어링

Y2 Building 
Architect | Jung, Goowon _ DAAL Architects
Construction | Doulim, JD Construction

Project team | Na, Yejin
Location | 15, Yeonhui-ro 11da-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea
Program | Neighborhood living facility
Site area | 548.42㎡
Building area | 167.50㎡
Gross floor area | 548.42㎡
Building to land ratio | 49.98%
Floor area ratio | 90.94%
Building scope | B1F - 2F
Structure | RC
Exterior finishing | brick, Concrete polish, Concret + Vinyl paint finish, Gysum board + Vinyl paint finish
Photograph | Choi, Jinbo
Structural engineer | HUB STRUCTURAL 

Mechanical·Electrical engineer | SUNWOO ENGINEERING






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