커브 하우스 2022.1

2023. 2. 15. 09:20회원작품 | Projects/House

Curved House


사진작가 이한울


0. 빈 공간 
세종시 고운동 언덕 위에 있는 대지는 앞 뒤쪽으로 작은 도로(8미터)와 큰 도로(17미터)가 있고 앞쪽 도로에서의 대지 진입이 수월하다. 
남서향으로 살짝 돌아앉은 대지지만 남쪽이 낮아서 조망이 열려 있고 북서쪽은 차량이 많이 다닐 만한 큰 도로가 있다. 그 너머의 뒷산이 큰 도로를 단절시키는 느낌이다. 

1. 생각 
남쪽으로 낮은 구릉이 있다. 그 뒤편으로는 대규모 주택단지가 들어올 예정이며, 더 뒤에는 산이 있다. 단지 출입구가 본 대지의 북서쪽을 마주하고 있어서, 주택들이 들어서면 불편한 느낌을 주는 차량의 시선과 불빛이 노출되는 입지 조건이다. 
남동향으로 조금 치우친 대지 축 때문에, 건축물을 남향으로 배치하는 것이 좀 어색하다. 땅이 좀 이상하다는 느낌마저 든다. 하지만 남동쪽으로는 작은 공원이 있고 조망이 탁 트여 있기에 여러모로 괜찮은 땅이다. 
직사각형의 대지에 약간만 삐딱하게 놓아도 이점이 많다. 대지 북서(배면)쪽 단지 차량 출입구와 살짝 틀어지게 되어 출입하는 시선에 대한 걱정도 덜 수 있어서 좋다. 이웃집들과 적절히 융화되게만 한다면 더할 나위 없다.

2. 접근 
뒤쪽 큰 도로에 접한 입면을 방향성이 없는 둥근 곡선 형상으로 보정하여, 집의 배치가 이상한 듯한 느낌에서부터 벗어나고 싶었다. 건물의 후면 곡선 형상과 전면 직선 형상이 결합하면서 건축은 남향으로 배치된다. 

3. 세우기
하나에서 시작한 곡선과 직선으로 갈라지는 형상이 매스의 중압감을 만든다. 측면의 수직 패턴과 2층의 공중에 떠 있는 듯한 형태가 가벼움을 가미해 줄 요소다. 주차장과 주차 진입로는 건축물의 북서쪽으로 배치하고 남서쪽에는 마당을 확보하였다. 동쪽으로 인접 대지로부터 이격된 공지가 있는데, 필로티 공간과 접하게 하여 자연스럽게 어우러지는 느낌을 만들었다. 마당의 좌측 끝 외부 창고와 중앙 앞쪽의 가벽이 도로에서 앞마당 시선 간섭을 최대한 줄이게끔 하고, 시크릿 정원을 완성했다. 수직 벽과 건물의 조화를 위해 가벽은 곡선으로 만들었다. 

4. 일상
아이들을 위한 작은방 두 개와 부부를 위한 안방, 다양한 사용자를 고려한 욕실 셋, 다락 하나, 손님을 위한 사랑방. 건축물이 자연스럽게 마당을 잘라내면서 생기는 마당 공간은 텃밭, 커브 정원, 가족을 위한 마당, 화단으로 나뉜다. 거실에서 마당 사이 유연한 콘크리트 선이 있는 덱은 건물의 주변을 둘러싸고 지면에서 느낄 수 있는 자유 곡선이 된다. 

5. 고민 
내·외부가 조화롭게 정리되면 좋겠다는 고민을 하면서 실내 공간들을 구성했다.
건물의 단면을 보았을 때, 1층에서 다락까지 연결된 공간이 있고 가족들이 각각 사용할 공간들은 개인 방 이외에는 모두 노출된다. 그리고 거실 한 공간으로 시선을 둘 수도 있다. 색이 있는 유리블록을 군데군데 벽에 넣어 공간을 다채롭게 만들고, 특별한 이목을 끌게 하였다. 

6. 기둥의 시선
건물의 곡선과 직선 형태, 그리고 필로티 공간이 서로 연계되며 역동성 있는 공간을 만든다.
건물을 떠받치는 기둥 두 개가 뿌리처럼 시옷(ㅅ) 모양으로 갈라지는데, 구조적으로 필요할 뿐만 아니라, 진입을 알리는 상징처럼 작용하기도 한다.

7 차별된 생각
차별된 시작이 삶에 변화를 줄 것이라 믿고 싶다. 


사진작가 이한울


0. Empty space
The site on the hill in Goun-dong, Sejong, has a small road (8 meters) and a large road (17 meters) in the front and the back, and it is more accessible from the front street.
The site is slightly curved to the southwest, but the view is open because the south side is low, whereas there is a large road with many passing cars in the northwest. And the mountain at the back of the site seems to cut off the main road.

1. Thoughts
There is a low hill on the south of the site, and a small mountain surrounds the area in which a large-scale housing complex is to be built behind it like a folding screen. Since the entrance of the housing complex faces the site of CURVE HOUSE north-westwards, we thought that if houses were built, it would create an uncomfortable situation due to vehicular traffic. Especially in the evening, it is exposed to the headlights of vehicles in and out of the area.
Due to the tilted axis of the site slightly to the southeast, the building is located in a crooked shape if it is built facing the south. We were worried, thinking ‘the site is a little strange,’ but instead, more significant advantages make up for the shortcomings, including a small park to the southeast and south-facing view. It is a good site in many ways.
We concluded that everything would be okay if we placed the building a little askew on the rectangular site. But, then, it is slightly off from the vehicle entrance of the housing complex on the northwest side (rear) of the site, so this is rather an advantage of naturally avoiding vehicles' headlights. But, on the other hand, there is a certain awkwardness when the building doesn't sit in a straight shape, making it treated as a skewed and unique nuisance compared to the houses built around it. So we started to consider if there was any good solution.

2. Access
If the facade of the building facing the main back road is straight, it can't avoid the eyes of passing cars. If it is slightly turned, it would be able to reduce the exposure to gaze. But if the square box-shaped building is turned, the misaligned shape on the site will stand out.
It is best to see it from the front (southeast) for this cube-shaped building to look comfortable and natural, but we hated that it would receive wrong attention because it is located in a strange direction (south) when seen from the road.
A rounded shape like a banana without direction may correct the layout of crooked direction. As the curved shape of the building and the square shape are combined, what's considered the facade of the building faces the distant mountain, so the straight side faces south.

3. Erection
When a building originating from one became a shape that seemed split into curves and straight lines, the heaviness was created in mass. Lightness should be added to reduce a sense of heaviness. The vertical pattern on the side and the second floor that seems to be floating in the air were elements that would add lightness. We wanted to place the parking lot and parking entry to the northwest of the building and secure a yard to the southwest. There is a vacant lot in the adjacent site toward the east, and a piloti space was placed to connect naturally. The secret garden was completed hoping that the warehouse at the left end and the temporary wall in front of the center would minimize interference between the front yard and the road. On the other hand, considering that the round and vertical walls should harmonize when the building is completed, a part of the temporary front wall was designed to be round while creating a harmonious curve overall.

4. Everyday life
There are two small rooms for children, one room for a married couple, three bathrooms for users, an attic, and a guest space. The yard spaces naturally formed by the building have various uses: a vegetable garden, an ornamental garden (curve garden), a yard for families, and a small flower bed on the roadside. The outdoor spaces make the Curve House stand out more.
Flexible concrete (deck) line between the living room and the yard surrounds the building. It is a free-curved line that you can feel on the ground.

5. Worry
It is good if the interior and the exterior be present in harmony.
There is a space connected from the first floor to the attic through the building's cross-section, and all the areas that the family can use are exposed, except for private rooms. And you can look at one space in the living room. Colored glass blocks were added to the wall in places, making the space unique and the only objective element.

6. Oblique line of pillars
The curves and straight lines of the building and the shape formed by the piloti space are linked together. The two pillars supporting the building are split in the shape of Siot(ㅅ) like a root, and it is a structurally necessary element and a signal that symbolizes access.

7. Differentiated thoughts
I believe a differentiated beginning will change your life.


사진작가 이한울
사진작가 이한울
사진작가 이한울
사진작가 이한울
사진작가 이한울
사진작가 이한울
사진작가 이한울
사진작가 이한울
1층 평면도


2층 평면도


다락층 평면도


커브 하우스
설계자 | 김동희_건축사사무소 케이디디에이치
건축주 | 유민기, 김현숙
감리자 | 김수홍 _ (주)오즈건축사사무소
시공사 | 직영공사
설계팀 | 김도연, 손정용, 김아름, 정혜수, 애블린, 박성찬
대지위치 | 세종특별자치시 고운북7길 32
주요용도 | 단독주택
대지면적 | 360.00㎡
건축면적 | 116.97㎡
연면적 | 175.09㎡
건폐율 | 32.49%
용적률 | 48.64%
규모 | 지상 2층
구조 | 철근콘크리트구조
외부마감재 | STO 외단열시스템
내부마감재 | 페인트, 벽지, 타일
설계기간 | 2018. 09 - 2019. 09
공사기간 | 2019. 09 - 2020. 10
사진 | 이한울
구조분야 : 황경주 + (주)세움건축구조 
기계설비분야 : 대림ENC
전기분야 :  대림ENC
소방분야 :  대림ENC
Curved House
Architect | Kim, Donghee_KDDH Architects   
Client | Ryu, Minki / Kim, Hyunsook
Supervisor | Kim Soohong _ OZ Architecture Design Group
Construction | Direct undertaking work
Project team | Kim, Doyeon / Son, Jeongyong /  Kim, Ahreum / Jeong, Hyesu /  Evelien Van de Vel / Park, Seongchan
Location | 32, Gounbuk 7-gil, Sejong-si, Korea
Program | House
Site area | 360.00㎡
Building area | 116.97㎡
Gross floor area | 175.09㎡
Building to land ratio | 32.49%
Floor area ratio | 48.64%
Building scope | 2F
Structure | RC
Exterior finishing | STO external insulation system
Interior finishing | Paint, Wallpaper, Tile
Design period | Sep. 2018 - Sep. 2019
Construction period | Sep. 2019 - Oct. 2020
Photograph | Lee, Hanul
Structural engineer | Kyung-Ju Hwang (University of Seoul) + Seum Architectural Structure Eng
Mechanical engineer | Dealim mech. Elec. Donsultants
Electrical engineer | Dealim mech. Elec. Donsultants
Fire engineer | Dealim mech. Elec. Donsultants

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