리오넬과 루이하우스 2021.8

2023. 2. 8. 09:16회원작품 | Projects/House

Lionel & Louis’ s House


사진작가 이한울


집의 문 앞에는 애런 잭슨이라는 작가의 업싸이클링(Upcycling) 작품인 ‘리오넬’과 ‘루이’라는 캐릭터가 놓여 있다. 업사이클링은 업그레이드(Upgrade)와 리사이클링(Recycling)의 합성어로 재활용품을 이용해 새롭게 재구성했다는 뜻이다.
의뢰인은 부산 출신이지만 어머님을 모시고 서울로 올라와 사회생활을 시작했다고 한다. 상당히 오랜 시간을 서울에서 보낸 이후 중년이 되어서야 다시 어머님과 전원 속에 집을 짓고 게스트하우스를 운영하면서 요리사로서 살아가는 제2의 인생을 꿈꾸고자 하였다. 의뢰인이 이 캐릭터의 이름으로 집의 이름을 지은 이유는, 도시를 벗어나 인적이 드문 전원 속에 집을 짓고 살아야 하기에 가족을 지켜주는 수호신 같은 요정이 함께하길 바랐으며 재활용품이 재구성되어 새로운 창작물로 다시 태어났듯 전원 속의 자연과 어우러진 새로운 보금자리에서 제2의 인생을 새롭게 출발하는 삶을 꿈꾸었기 때문이다.
대지는 경주시 외곽의 바닷가 근처에 있고, 민간이 개발하여 분양한 택지였다. 도로보다 높게 형성되어 있는 땅의 단차를 극복하기 위해 석축으로 가두고 성토한 땅이었다. 
이 지역은 법적으로 지상 2층 이하의 건축만이 가능하고, 건폐율은 20% 이하로 제한되었기에 한 개 층의 최대면적은 74제곱미터(22평) 정도였다. 집으로서 어머님과 지낼 주거공간과 민박을 위한 게스트하우스 공간을 담아야 했고, 직접 요리하면서 손님들에게 음식을 제공할 수 있는 주방과 다이닝 공간을 담아야 했기에 부족한 공간을 도로에서 직접 접근이 가능한 지하층으로 만들어 담았다. 부족한 지상층의 바닥면적을 외기에 개방된 지하층에서 해결한 것이다. 
도로에서 지하층과 다락층을 포함하여 올려다보면 4층 높이 건물의 크기로 느껴지기도 한다.
이 작업의 경우에는 의뢰인이 원하는 다양한 공간을 지형조건을 이용하여 제한된 층수와 면적 안에서 어떻게 재구성하느냐가 관건이었다. 건폐율의 여유가 없기 때문에, 데드 스페이스(Dead Space)를 제거할 수 있으며 다양한 공간을 담기에 가장 유리한 ‘기역(ㄱ)’자 배치를 이용하였다. 이 배치는 ‘미음(ㅁ)’자 형태의 지하층에 자연스럽게 채광을 유도하는 공간을 만들어 줄 수 있었다.
이 집의 수직동선은 ‘니은(ㄴ)’자 매스(Mass) 중앙에 배치되어, 공간을 크게 두 개로 나눈 뒤 나누어진 공간은 스킵플로어로 이어지게 하였다. 게스트룸으로 사용될 공간들은 2층과 다락에 구성되고, 1층과 지하층 일부는 의뢰인이 지낼 공간으로 구성되어 있다. 내부의 창들은 주변의 자연경관이 그대로 차경이 되어 눈앞에 들어오고, 외부에서는 집이 자연 속에 사뿐히 내려와 터를 잡은 듯 자연에 묻힌다. 
다른 주택과는 달리 목적성이 분명한 이 주택은 새롭게 제2의 인생을 출발하려고 집을 짓는 의뢰인의 입장을 충분히 반영하였고, 의뢰인은 원하던 공간에서 새로운 인생을 그려가고 있다.


사진작가 이한울


In front of the house's gate, the characters of "Lionel" and "Louis" upcycling works by Aaron Jackson stand. Upcycling is a compound of upgrade and recycling, meaning new composition by using recycled products.

The client is from Busan but moved to Seoul with his mom and started his career. After spending a considerable long time in Seoul, he dreams of second life as a chef in his middle age by building a house with his mother in the countryside and running a guesthouse.  The client made the house named after this character because he dreams of a second life in the new nest in harmony with the nature of the countryside. The recyclables were reconstructed and reborn as new creations. He wanted a fairy-like guardian god to protect my family even if he had to build a house and live in a sparsely populated country away from the city.
The land is located nearby the seaside on the outskirt of Gyeonggju and developed and sold by the private sector. To overcome the difference in the land level formed higher than the road, it was filled with stone blocks and soil. 
Because this region allows only the construction of 2 stories or less and restricts the building to cover ratio of 20% or less, the maximum area of one story is 74 m2(22pyeong). 
Because he should secure the residing space with mom, the guesthouse space for guests, the kitchen and dining space which can cook the foods and provide the guests with food, the short space of ground floor is substituted by the externally opened basement which can be directly accessed. 

Looking up the basement and the attic floor from the road, it feels like a building of 4 stories. 
The critical point of this work is how to reconstruct various spaces desired by the client in the restricted spaces and area by using the terrain condition. Because of tight building-to-cover-ratio, I use the layout of 'ㄱ,' which is most advantageous for removing the dead space and containing various rooms. Moreover, this layout can create space inducing the natural lighting in 'ㅁ' shaped basement.

The vertical moving line of this house is located in the center of the 'ㄴ' shape mass, dividing the space into two large pieces and leads to a skip floor. The space for a guest room will go on the second floor and the attic, while the first floor and part of the basement floor will consist of the client's space. The surrounding natural scenery intact comes into the inner window, and from the outside, the house is lightly lowered into nature and buried in heart as if settled down.

This house, with a clear purpose, unlike another place, fully reflects the client's stance who wants to start the second life, and the client is depicting new life in the desired space.


사진작가 이한울
사진작가 이한울
사진작가 이한울
사진작가 이한울
사진작가 이한울
사진작가 이한울



1층 평면도


2층 평면도


3층 평면도


리오넬과 루이하우스
설계자 | 조한준_(주)조한준 건축사사무소  
건축주 | 김철환
시공사 | 건축주 직영공사
설계팀 | 서도원, 이현우
대지위치 | 경상북도 경주시 양남면 신대로 66-9
주요용도 | 단독주택, 근린생활시설
대지면적 | 378㎡
건축면적 | 74.61㎡
연면적 | 230.57㎡
건폐율 | 19.74%
용적률 | 37.88%
규모 | 지하 1층, 지상 2층
구조 | 철근콘크리트 벽식구조
외부마감재 | 스토 외단열시스템 Sto Novo System(HAOS Stolit K2.0 Lotusan white)
내부마감재 | 콘크리트 노출표면 연출, 석고보드 위 수성페인트
설계기간 | 2017. 12 - 2018. 04
공사기간 | 2018. 06 - 2019. 03
사진 | 이한울
구조분야 : 한길엔지니어링
기계설비분야 : 선화설비 엔지니어링
전기분야 : 선화설비엔지니어링
소방분야 : 선화설비엔지니어링
Lionel & Louis’ s House
Architect |  Jo, Hanjun_ JoHanjun Architects 
Client | Kim, Chulhawn
Construction | Owner direct control
Project team | Seo, Dowon / Lee, Hyunwoo
Location | 66-9, Sindae-ro, Yangnam-myeon,  Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea
Program | Detached house, Neighborhood living facilities 
Site area | 378㎡
Building area | 74.61㎡
Gross floor area | 230.57㎡
Building to land ratio | 19.74%
Floor area ratio | 37.88%
Building scope | B1F - 2F
Structure | RC
Exterior finishing | Sto Novo System(HAOS Stolit K2.0 Lotusan white)
Interior finishing | Exposed concrete, Water paint finish above Gypsum board
Design period | 2017. 12 - 2018. 04
Construction period | 2018. 06 - 2019. 03
Photograph | Lee, Hanwool
Structural engineer | Hangil engineering
Mechanical engineer | Sunwha engineering
Electrical engineer | Sunwha engineering
Fire engineer | Sunwha engineering

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